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西格弗里德畏缩了,退避到墙根。Siegfried cringed and shrank against the wall.

退避一旁对这个国家和他的政党没有任何益处。Standing back is not doing the country or his party any good.

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在此基础上,我们提出了一种适合于自组织网络的动态退避的MAC协议。So, we propose a dynamic backoff algorithm for MAC protocol in ad hoc network.

利用OPNET对DBC和二进制指数退避两种算法进行了仿真。Simulation is conducted in OPNET to compare DBC with binary exponential backoff.

扬能很快从这张专辑瞬息的成功中退避出来不足为奇。Unsurprisingly, Young would soon retreat from the runaway success of this album.

但该算法存在碰撞问题,其采取的退避机制会增加网络延时。However, it suffered from a problem of delay when collision happened during the selection.

在分析S-MAC协议的工作过程以及退避算法的基础上,针对二进制指数退避机制的缺点进行了改进。This paper analyzes the working process of S-MAC protocol and the principle of backoff algorithm.

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他一听到家里别人在走动了,就退避到他的屋里去,我也呼吸得自在些了。As soon as he heard the other members of the family stirring he retired to his den, and I breathed freer.

创建自己的茧。每个人都需要一个退避之处。花五分钟或五小时来让自己重新让自己精力充沛。Create your own cocoon. Everyone needs a retreat. Spend five minutes or five hours to replenish yourself.

基本思想是控制信道功率由大到小退避,数据信道功率由小到大“退避”。The basic idea is control channel backoff from low power to high power, data channel "backoff" from high to low.

基本思想是控制信道功率由大到小退避,数据信道功率由小到大“退避”。The basic idea is control channel backoff from low power to high power, data channel " backoff " from high to low.

这首歌曲的成功使得扬有些退避,自此之后他故意在现场唱片忽略这首歌曲。The song's success would daunt Young for the next three decades, and he has purposely omitted it from live sets since.

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此外,介绍了功率退避算法,简要分析了成功传输的概率。In addition backoff algorithm is introduced and the successful transmission probability is analyzed briefly in this paper.

但是在他们换了小房子之后,没有什么空间能退避了,所以家庭成员有更多的时间在一起。But after they downsized, there was much less space to retreat to, so the family members spent more time around each other.

鲁滨逊般的天然风貌里,六席私人包厢使您退避炙热光照,悠闲度过午后暇光。There, in a Robinson Crusoe's world, six individual cabanas offer guests a relaxing retreat from the heat of the afternoon sun.

引入二维马尔科夫模型,对退避时隙选择概率分布对IEEE802。In this paper, a Markov model is introduced to analyze the impact of backoff time distribution on system performance of IEEE802.

针对信道接入层已有退避算法,提出了一种自适应慢速退避算法。Based on the analysis of the existing backoff algorithms in access layer, this paper proposes an adaptive slow backoff algorithm.

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然而,由于我们,还有我们的领袖们,退避到了一种明暗对分的二元论幻想之中,就更加无法理解现实世界里产生的新的复杂性。But because we, and our leaders, retreated into a Manichean fantasy, we understood the new complexities of the real world even less.

该算法可以根据网络当前具体的竞争激烈情况,动态调整退避时间值,从而提高信道的利用率。It can make better use of the wireless channel by dynamically Adjusting its backoff timer according to the network's contest situation.

然而,总会有一天你再也无法退避,那么在那样的时刻,我期望你能带着尊严,去接受,对抗,战斗,和死亡。There will, however, come a day when you can't retreat any longer, and on that day, I expect you to stand and fight and die with honor.