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这则消息是适时的。This news is timely.

感到不适时,我就往外滴。When I'm not well, I drip.

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想办法让自己轻松一点并适时的充充电。Find ways to relax and recharge your batteries.

会有朋友适时伸出援手的,不论是新朋或旧识。There are old or new friends who could assist us.

当我们需要时,就适时的出现双杀。He got ground-ball double plays when we needed it.

一封适时的情书可以停止情侣间的争吵。A timely billet-doux can patch up a lovers' quarrel.

适时的决策力是必需的。The ability to make decisions when needed is a must.

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一封适时的情书可以终止情侣间的争持。A timely paymentet-doux can patch up a fans' quarrel.

适时,适量地给予,这是一个好园丁的技艺。Timely, appropriate to give, this is a good gardener.

检查阴极是否接触不良,适时调整。Check whether the cathode poor contact, timely adjust.

他们可以很容易地安抚了非常适时的折扣。They can easily be placated with a well timeddiscount.

具体的访问情况,我们将适时发布消息。We will release information of the visit in due course.

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请接受我诚挚的谢意,感谢您适时的帮助。Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help.

花一些时间来祷告,并且适时地与上帝唠唠嗑。Take some time to say a prayer and “have a talk with God”.

记住真爰你的人的话“为了你,我会适时出现在那里”。Remember the words from a true love "I'll be there for you".

北京的于凌罡与南京的这个俱乐部于是适时地出现了。Beijing and Nanjing in Linggang the club thus timely emerged.

我现在要去教区牧师家拜访,然后适时向你汇报情况。I'll now call at the vicarage and report to you in due course.

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它适时的提醒着人们即使再狡猾的狐狸也会大便。A timely reminder that even the foxiest foxes are full of sh*t.

假如这些诗歌是树叶的话,它们就会适时地掉落。Had these been leaves of trees they would have duly dropped off.

法律秩序的外在特征是适时性、文化性、稳定性和公共性。Properly arranged social relations is the nature of Legal order.