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我们真心实意希望进行磋商。We genuinely want to engage in consultation.

富贵这人实诚,对兄弟是真心实意。The rich people honest, the brothers is sincere.

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无论何时说“我爱你”,请真心实意。Whenever you say” I love you”, please say it honestly.

她真心实意地喜爱威妮弗莱德,很乐意去了解这个姑娘。Winifred, she would be quite glad to understand the girl.

“我不会那样做了,我向你保证。”丽莎真心实意地说。I won't Sammie , I promise you that, " said Lisa from her heart."

如果你真心实意的去寻找上帝,上帝不会让你错过他。God will not let you miss him if you are that serious about seeking him.

不,不一定要在工作时说,而是你真心实意想说的时候——每次你感到到爱的时候。No, not at work, but everywhere you mean it--and every time you feel it.

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当你陪在家人、朋友和你的终生伴侣身边时,一定要真心实意。When you are with your family, friends and life partner, really be there.

在这个遭瘟的反叛城市里能找到另一个真心实意忠于王室的义士,我很高兴。I'm glad to find another true-hearted loyalist in this pestilent, rebellious city.

奥巴马对群岛人民的感情也显得真心实意。Mr Obama’s affection for the people of the sprawling archipelago seemed heartfelt.

她惊恐万分,立即转身,真心实意地为她的罪过忏悔。Then she became terrified, and turned back and repented right heartily of her sin.

如果你能真心实意地找到一些赞美他臂膀或腹肌的话语,那就说出来吧。If you can sincerely find something to praise about his arms or his stomach, do so.

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我是绝对相信爱情的人,所以如果“黄世仁”是真心实意,我愿意把我的手交给他。If "Huang Shiren"do love me with all his heart, I think I would like to give my hands.

她真心实意地喜爱威妮弗莱德,很乐意去了解这个姑娘。She was really interested in Winifred, she would be quite glad to understand the girl.

面对这一情况以及恶劣的环境,车队联盟还是真心实意地去寻求妥协。Despite this, and the uncompromising environment, Fota has genuinely sought compromise.

是真心实意地疼她,洗衣做饭擦地板刷马桶,他从不让她碰。She is sincere in pain, Laundry cooking wiping the floor toilet brush, he not touch her.

面对这个世界,你能做的,就是真心实意地付出,诚实无欺地付出,完全彻底地付出!Facing this world, the only thing you can do is paying out sincerely, honestly and totally!

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他们一个个喜出望外,搂着她的脖子,亲吻她,真心实意地爱她。They all rejoiced, falling around her neck and kissing her, and they loved her with all their hearts.

他们需要父母的保证,说他们能解决分歧,不过要真心实意地说出这话才行。They need reassurance that parents can work out their differences providing you can offer it honestly.

而我们现在很多佛门信众,虽说表面信佛,但非真心实意,深信不疑惑。Many Buddhist believers do not show complete sincerity in Buddhism, though they claim to be a Buddhist.