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本表不包括民政部门支付离休、退休、退职费的人数。Excluded retired and resigned staff and workers Paid by the civil adminstrtion organs.

本表不包括民政部门支付离休、退休、退职费的人数。Excluded retired and resigned staff and workers paid by the civil adminstration depts.

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离休前为广州军区纪律检查委员会副主任。He was vice-director of disciplinary examination committee of Guangzhou Military Area.

本表不包括民政部门支付离休、退休、退职费的人数。Excluded retired and resigned staff and workers Paid by the civil adminstration organs.

本表不包括民政部门支付离休、退休、退职费的人数。Excluded retired and resigned staff and workers paid by the civil administration depts.

本表不包括民政部门支付的离休、退休、退职费。Excluded retired and resigned staff and workers paid by the Civil Administration Organs.

本表不包括民政部门支付离休、退休、退职费的人数。Excluded retired and resigned staff and workers Paid by the civil adminstrtion department.

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你看,我有六天的离休假,我可以到下周六才上报我的航班。Look, I have six day's leave, so I don't have to report for my flight until next Saturday.

精密加工公司成立了32年且业务已成熟,而卖家最近打算离休。Seller would like to retire from this 32yr old well-established precision machining company.

革命伤残军人、身高1.2米以下的儿童、离休人员、70岁以上老人。Disabled veterans, children under 1.2 meters tall, retirees and elderly people over 70 years old.

国家法令、法规和政策允许的离休、退休人员和其他人员。persons who have retired, and other people permitted by laws, regulations and policies of the State.

便秘诱发型一离休老人如厕时,突然晕倒在地。When a constipation suggestion retired old person goes to the bathroom, faints suddenly in the place.

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离休、退休的人民警察犯罪的,适用前款的规定。The provisions in the preceding paragraph shall apply to the retired people's police who commit crimes.

了解并分析驻长沙市军队离休干部牙列缺失及修复情况,为军队离休干部的口腔保健提供基础资料。To understand and analyze the state of teeth loss and prosthesis in retired military cadres in Changsha.

目的了解徐州市离休老干部的生活方式疾病流行情况。Objective To investigate the prevalence of life style disease among the retired veteran cadres in Xuzhou.

本表包括民政部门和总后勤部支付离休、退休、退职费的人数。Includes retired and resigned staff and workers under civil administration and General Logistic Department.

本表包括民政部门和总后勤部支付离休、退休、退职费的人数。Includes retired and resigned staff and workers under civil administration and General Logistics Department.

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国家鼓励离休干部到农村或中小城镇安家落户。The state shall encourage veteran cadres to settle in the countryside or in small or medium-sized cities or towns.

已经退休的干部,符合上述规定的应当改为离休。Cadres who have already retired but meet the qualifications mentioned above shall likewise be treated as veteran cadres.

退休、离休的干部,在政治待遇、生活待遇等各方面,都要逐个做出妥善安排。Appropriate arrangements should be made for the political status of retired cadres, for their material benefits and so on.