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许多欧元区公司和家庭贷款都以银行同业拆息为基准。Many euro-zone corporate and household loans use those interbank rates as a benchmark.

市场就此作出温和而有秩序的调整,隔夜拆息在二月十九日微升至6.25厘。The market adjustment was mild and orderly. Overnight interest rates firmed up moderately to 6.25 per cent on February 19.

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金融体系正经历又一轮紧张局势,这在美元伦敦银行同业拆息最近大幅走高上得到了体现。What goes around, comes around. The financial system is having another bout of nerves, as reflected in the latest sharp rise in U. S. dollar Libor rates.

然而,由于市场对跨越二零零零年的贷款心存忧虑,三个月银行同业拆息在九月。Nevertheless, in the light of market concern over interbank loans straddling Year 2000, three-month HIBOR surged by around 50 basis points at end-September.

分析师表示,同业拆息持续下滑对向企业和消费者等放贷正常化很重要.A sustained decline in bank-to-bank interest rates is vital in the normalization of lending to all borrowers including companies and consumers, analysts said.

信贷市场冰封不化,美元同业拆息飙升,三个月美元伦敦银行同业拆息触及今年高位.Credit markets remained clogged. The interbank cost of borrowing dollars for any period beyond overnight rocketed -- three-month dollar Libor hit its highest this year.

英国央行称要大约九个月时间才能看到量化宽松政策所带来的影响.央行指向企业放贷实际在下降,且银行同业拆息依然在较高的水平.The BoE, which says it could take about 9 months for the impact of QE to become visible, said lending to firms had actually fallen and spreads on bank loans remained high.

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野村证券称,港元不仅在汇率上处于弱势,而且港元贷款的利率要低于伦敦银行同业拆息,这使得港元成了全球货币交易员最理想的一种举借货币。Borrowing in a weak HK dollar with funding rates below U. S. Libor makes the Hong Kong currency arguably one of the best funding vehicles for global currency traders, say Nomura.

由于流动资金状况改善,隔夜银行同业拆息也回软至五厘以下的水平。The HKMA passively bought some US dollars in response to bank offers in late April, and overnight interbank interest rates eased to below 5 per cent on the back of improved liquidity.

由于欧洲央行已向货币市场注入大量资金,银行间较长期限的拆息有所下降,但仍远高于历史平均水平。While the rates at which banks lend to one another for longer periods of time have fallen somewhat as the ECB has flooded money markets with funds, they remain well above historical averages.