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请面向西南站立。Please stand facing southwest.

隧道在出口的西南边。The tunnel is southwest of the exit.

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在非洲西南端有一个神奇的地方。There is magic at the tip of Africa.

在西南偏西,从西南偏西来,向西南偏西。In, from, or toward the west-southwest.

韶山在长沙西南104公里的地方。Shaoshan is 104km southwest of Changsha.

那么你很可能从西南来的。Then you’re probably from the Southwest.

我们朝西南方向望去,可以看见两座小山。Away to the south-west, we saw two hills.

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边界由此折向西南。From here the boundary turns southwestward.

“我只消朝西南航行就成,”他说。I'll just steer south and west, " he said."

河水朝西南方向流人大西洋。The river flowed southwest to the Atlantic.

西南地区旅行,从凤凰对尤马。Travel southwest from Phoenix towards Yuma.

昨天太阳是在标准的西南方向的。Yesterday it was in the standard SW position.

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东北西南走向,半绕安丘城。Southwest to northeast, half round Anqiu city.

柳州是西南地区的工业重镇。Liuzhou is an industry base in southwest China.

向西南偏西方的,属于西南偏西的,朝向西南偏西的,在西南偏西的。To, toward, of, facing, or in the west-southwest.

“我们把它们全部买下,”西南的凯斯·提尔尼说。"We took it all, " says Southwest's Keith Tearne.

美国堪萨斯州中东一城市,位于托皮卡西南。A city of east-central Kansas southwest of Topeka.

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这条河流向西南,汇入大西洋。This river flowed southwest to the Atlantic Ocean.

德国中西部的一座城市,位于的西南面。A city of west-central Germany southwest of Münster.

炳灵寺石窟在兰州城西南129公里处。Bingling Si Grotoes are 129 km southwest of Lanzhou.