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它是四处遍布的。It's pervasive.

人们可以开始四处针砭时弊But they could lash out.

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你可以四处看看。Look around if you like.

一天,四处飘着浓雾。One day it had bad fogs.

她总是四处寻买便宜货。She is a bargain-hunter.

我已经四处找遍了。I have looked everywhere.

他们在四处跑着。They were running around.

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我在四处寻找,高高,低低。And I've looked high, low.

他偷偷摸摸地四处寻找钱。He moused about for money.

我领你四处看看好吗?Show I show you round? adv.

这个传言四处散播。And it's been passed around.

四处看看。照张相。Look around. Take a picture.

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他们热爱奔跑,也喜欢四处漫步。They love to gallop and roam.

首先让我带你四处逛逛。First, let me show you around.

你不久就能起床四处活动了。You will be up and about soon.

在襄阳,四处都是洪水。There were floods in Xiangyang.

打开你的门,朝四处张望。Open your doors and look around.

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切斯顿先生将带你四处参观一下。Mr. Cheston will show you around.

在草原山冈和岸边四处搜寻。On meadow, the hill and the shore.

她四处看,但是什么都看不到。She looks around but sees nothing.