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他试图表现出轻蔑地口吻。He tried to say it dismissively.

我听了今后松一口吻。I am much relieved to hear that.

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“你曾喜欢他,”他以指责的口吻说道。You liked him'he said accusing ly.

我没有用爱斯基摩口吻顶撞你。I'm not sassing you in Eskimo talk.

“很难判定吗?”我以一种施助的口吻说道。“Hard to decide?” I said helpfully.

周围的人方长长松了一口吻。The people around long loose a tone.

我深呼一口吻朝前跑去。I had a deep breath and then ran towards.

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她以辛辣的讽刺口吻说这个词。She uttered the phrase with acid sarcasm.

口吻不能太尖或太窄。The muzzle must not be narrow or pointed.

他以幽默嘲弄的口吻说了这事。He said this in a tone of jocose raillery.

以一种轻柔的口吻,我开始对它说话。In a soft voice, I started talking to him.

有些人以轻蔑的口吻议论政府。Some people speak in contempt of the government.

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基督山用一种不可抗拒的口吻问道。demanded the irresistible voice of Monte Cristo.

东株不发一语,只是叹了一大口吻。East strains not send a language, just a sigh tone.

老板转过身子,以威胁的口吻问我。The boss turned to me and asked in a threating tone.

王可圣用近似命令的口吻说。The king can use similar command of tone Saint said.

这人斩钉截铁的口吻使他冷彻骨髓。The definiteness of the man chilled him to the marrow.

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如果这听起来就像小乔治•索罗斯的口吻,也没错。If this sounds a little George Soros to you, it should.

房间登记员以最地道的南部种植园主的口吻回答。The clerk said with his best southern planter's accent.

不用训斥,指责的口吻跟别人说话。Do not speak to others in a reprimanding, criticizing way.