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我可以在我受托的案子中试一试。I can try that in this case that I have.

进口商是银行的代理、委托人和受托者。The importer is the agent, trustee and bailee of the bank.

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受托人为了个人利益挪用金钱是不合法的。It is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain.

请洽受托代理人为你追邮寄给他您详细说明。Please contact fiduciary agent for your claims by sending to him your Details Below.

受托机构更换贷款服务机构应及时通知借款人。The trustee shall inform timely the borrower of the replacement of the loan servicer.

这两件器皿是受托于下月拍卖的五件青铜器中的两件,出自同一收藏家。The pieces are among five bronzes consigned for sale next month by the same collector.

作为协定受托国,日本国政府将负责接收进一步签名。The Government of Japan will receive further signatures, as the Depositary of the ACTA.

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杨致远与费罗对全体股东负有最大的受托义务。Jerry Yang and Filo bear the greatest of all the shareholders the fiduciary obligations.

在罗伯特-琼斯二世,我们视自己为高尔夫球场建筑伟大传统的受托者。At RTJ II, we see ourselves as trustees of the great tradition of golf course architecture.

受托保管人麦迪逊扮演莎莉,一个年轻的女孩谁去与她同住的父亲和他的女朋友。Bailee Madison plays Sally, a young girl who goes to live with her father and his girlfriend.

研究人员发现,当一个患有BPD的病人扮演受托管理人时,合作就会破裂。The researchers found that cooperation broke down when a person with BPD played the role of trustee.

托管人必须为不同的合格投资者分别设置账户,对受托管理的资产实行分帐管理。A custodian should set up different accounts for different QFII, and manage those accounts separately.

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联合国和世行最近签订的一份受托原则协议将大大加快双方共同应对危机的速度。A new UN-World Bank Fiduciary Principles Accord will significantly speed up joint responses to crises.

艾思沃尔还受托管理着我们每天下午的点心钱。Then again Iswar was entrusted with a daily allowance of money for procuring our afternoon light refreshment.

有些公司代客户收款,根据法律规定而受托代客保管这些款项。Some businesses receive money on behalf of their customers and are required by law to hold this money in trust.

它主要包括发起人、受托机构、投资者三大资产证券化信托主体和两层信托法律关系。It includes three principle parties-originator, trustee and investors, and two kinds of legal relationship of trust.

大学需要足够、可靠和持续的公共财政资金,伴随着合适的受托责任机制。III. Universities need sufficient, reliable and sustainable public funding with appropriate accountability mechanisms.

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信托文件必须确认信托财产、受托人和受益人,并写明信托条款。The trust instrument msut identify the trust property, the trustee, and the beneficiariess, and state the terms of the

投资的金额会自动地增至三倍,受托管理人们则要决定返还多少钱给投资者。The investment was automatically tripled and then the trustee had to decide how much money to pass back to the investor.

委托金融机构发放贷款,以受托发放贷款的金融机构为扣缴义务人。For financial institutions entrusted to grant loans, the entrusted financial institutions shall be the withholding agents.