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月球也可能如同地球一样有一个地核。It may also have a core, as the earth does.

地核可以储存60个,或者100个大洋的水。There's enough capacity to house 60 oceans. Or maybe 100.

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随着地核压力增加,大地震随之而来。With this massive pressure build-up comes huge earthquakes.

地核脉动在6年周期中些微改变着地球自转。Fluctuations at the core subtly shift the planet's rotation over a six-year cycle.

当地球处于形成阶段,熔融的铁沉入地心,形成地核。When Earth was forming, molten iron sank to its center, creating the planet's core.

但这种影响向外扩散,逐层改变地核的自转速度。But the effect ripples outward, changing the core's rate of rotation layer by layer.

一个免费的工具包,将会是我们协同工作地核心。FBX, a freely available toolkit, will be at the heart of our interoperability strategy.

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地球的地核外部,大致到达中心三分之二的地方是熔化的铁。The outer core of the Earth, about two-thirds of the way to the center, is molten iron.

然而,在于当前能让我们重新拉回到现实,这时候,我们能无情地核对自己的故事。But becoming present puts us back in reality, where we can rigorously fact-check our own tales.

公元2251年,地表已经被分隔成了数百万个围绕着地核轨道旋转的石头。In 2251, the earth shattered into millions of blocks that now float in orbit around a earth's core.

热力学定律研究了一系统中能量的运动方式,这系统既可以是引擎也可以是地核。Thermodynamics is the study of how energy works in a system, whether it's an engine or the Earth's core.

起初,会有某种震动,这是全球各地的地壳要与地核分开。At first there is a vibration of sorts, a jiggling, as the crust separates in various places from the core.

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我们预料,但是我们不能确定,月球有一个由熔岩构成的地核,如同地球。We think-but we are not sure-that the moon has a center core which includes molten rock, as the earth does.

如此大的一颗行星,有岩石地核以及蓬松的气体层包覆,可能不会维持我们所知的生命。Such a big planet with a rocky core and a fluffy gaseous envelope probably can't support life as we know it.

我们预料,但是我们不能确定,月球有一个由熔岩构成的地核,如同地球。We think---but we are not sure---that the moon has a center core which includes molten rock, as the earth does.

科学家在这40年中所做的,就是把这个鸡蛋模型——分为地壳、地幔和地核进一步细化。What scientists have done is to complete the egg model, divided it into 3 parts——Crust, Mantle and Centrosphere.

在重力分异和热对流过程中,地核不仅有巨量热能,而且有巨量的旋转能和放射性蜕变能。In the Earth's core, there exists not only huge thermal energy, but huge rotation energy and radioactive heat source.

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天文因素使地核产生周期性的南北振荡,是地球能量间歇性释放的外因。Astronomical factor makes the earth′s core vibrate periodically, it is the external cause of the intermittent energy liberation.

科学家已经弄明白了地核正在以朝东的方向旋转且比地球自身的旋转速度要快。The scientists have learned that the Earth's core is turning in an eastward direction and spinning faster than the Earth itself.

在以往的教科书中,地球的内部如地幔和地核被描述成简单而几乎相似的区域。In the textbooks of yore, the Earth’s inner regions like the mantle and core were presented as simple, fairly homogeneous regions.