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双方发生交火,一名哄抢者被击毙。One looter was killed when the 2 sides exchanged fire.

目击者说,警方到达现场,打死了一名哄抢者。Police arrived and shot one of the looters, eyewitnesses said.

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他主演的哈姆雷特,罗密欧与茱丽叶和乔奥顿的哄抢。He has starred in Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and Joe Orton's Loot.

在立法上,对聚众哄抢罪还应作进一步完善。In the legislation, the organized robbery crime should be further improved.

超市和药店已经遭到哄抢,数以千计的人仍然无家可归。Supermarkets and chemists have been looted and thousands of people remain homeless.

新奥尔良市发生几处大火,哄抢事件不断。有报导说,手拿武器的灾民在制造暴力事件。Large fires rage through New Orleans, and looting and reports of violence by armed refugees continue.

聚众哄抢罪作为一个独立的罪名,其立法经历了一个较漫长的过程。As an independent charge, the legislation of the organized robbery crime has experienced a long process.

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海滨小镇库马那有100多家商店发生哄抢事件,据当地媒体报道,至少有一人死亡。Over 100 shops in the coastal town of Cumana were hit and at least one person died according to local media.

正在寻找办公场所的跨国公司遭到哄抢,为此付出代价的往往是中国公司。Multinational firms seeking office space were aggressively courted, often at the expense of Chinese companies.

他称,萝卜被哄抢,原因是终端菜价太高,很多市民买不起。He said that the radishes were looted because prices had became so high that many residents couldn't afford them.

同时,智利总统巴切莱特派遣了1万名士兵以平息受灾最严重的康塞普西翁市发生的哄抢事件。Meanwhile President Bachelet dispatched 10, 000 soldiers to quell looting around the hardest hit city of Concepcion.

无怪乎巴西的乙醇工业正处在合并与收购的繁荣时期,因为炒家都在哄抢股份。No wonder Brazil's ethanol industry is in the midst of a merger-and-acquisition boom as players scramble to grab share.

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当事人回忆说,事情发生在商厦六楼的皮草城,不到三个小时,63件貂皮大衣被厂家、商家和店员哄抢一空。Witnesses said 63 fur and leather coats were snatched by franchisers and sales within three on the sixth floor of the mall.

聚众哄抢罪以结果定罪,所以在犯罪过程中不存在犯罪预备、中止形态。The organized robbery is convicted by the result, therefore, in the crime process, there is no concept of crime preparation.

在洋行林立的外滩边的船坞上,乞丐们哄抢了一大包棉花。Shanghai. Beggars attack a bale of cotton on docks along the Bund where banks and business firms conduct their prosperous trades.

第六十六条私人的合法财产受法律保护,禁止任何单位和个人侵占、哄抢、破坏。Article 66 An individual's legal properties shall be protected by law, any entity or individual may not encroach, plunder or destroy them.

在救援工作继续进行之际,智利军队设法制止哄抢和暴力事件。这些事件导致康塞普西翁等城市陷入一片混乱。As the recovery effort continues, Chilean troops are working to stop the looting and violence that brought chaos to cities like Concepcion.

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油罐车在桑格村翻车,一些民众试图在石油起火之前哄抢,但是大部分人因为房屋起火而死亡。The truck overturned in Sange village while some people tried to gather leaking fuel before it ignited, but most died as their homes caught fire.

因此当我看到扬子晚报刊登的照片上,疯狂的顾客哄抢各款提包,我大吃一惊,在东京,买上那样一个包要等六个月。So I was taken by surprise by the photo in the Yangtse Evening Post of crazed shoppers clamoring for bags that have a six-month waiting list in Tokyo.

巴斯托有4万居民。消息传开后,当地居民纷纷哄抢瓶装水,一些餐馆因缺水被迫停业。Barstow has 4 million inhabitants. After the news spread, local residents snapped up bottled water, some restaurants out of business due to lack of water.