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夏日里的阳光灼灼。The radiance of a summer day.

我连它们那残忍的眼睛中的灼灼目光都看清楚了。I could catch the glare of their ferocious eyes.

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雪罗汉目光灼灼地嘴唇通红地坐在雪地里。With gleaming eyes and scarlet lips, it sits on the snowy ground.

灼灼的烈日加上酒精的迷雾会让你迅速地睡着。The beating sun and alcoholic haze combine to quickly put you to sleep.

唯独不敢落在对面男人的身上,虽然我已经感觉到了他的目光灼灼。But can't fall in opposite man who, though I have felt it his eyes, buckled.

在她的灼灼逼人的眼神中,依然满盈着恐惧、怀疑和悲衰。Those burning, pressing eyes of hers are still filled with terror, suspicion and tragedy.

守护神并没有回答,而是目光灼灼地盯住罗恩。The patronus did not answer the question, choosing instead to stare at Ron with great intensity.

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无论诸君谁阅其著作,必能看到林语堂的皇冠之中遍缀华珠,光耀灼灼。To anyone who reads his works, it will be apparent that Lin Yutang's crown had many jewels in it.

霍桑的声浪低沉而颤动,眼睛也像灼灼地有火。The voice of Huo mulberry is deep and low and vibrates, eyes are like to brightly shiningly have fire.

那圆圆的柑桔犹如千盏小灯笼,金灿灿,红彤彤,在墨绿的树叶里灼灼闪光。That round citrus like 1000 small lanterns, golden, glowing red, in the dark green leaves where brilliant flash.

灼灼樱花、杜鹃、热带兰在雾中浮动,勾勒出一副曼妙的山水画。The shining cherry blossom azaleas, and tropical orchid wave in the mist, like a graceful Chinese painting of mountains and water.

因此,写诗,对无产阶级的政治诗人来说,也同样是自我身心的全部投入,是自我生命的灼灼燃烧。Thus, for a proletarian political poet, writing poems is also a dedication of his whole body and mind and the burning of his own life.

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左岸是寂寞,溢满了孤单的哀怨,那绽放的灼灼欢颜,瞬间枯萎成一种最后的感动,清晰了年轮的弧线。Left Bank is a lonely, overflowing a lonely sad, that bloom Shining smile, and instantly withered moved into a final, clear the ring of the arc.

成千上万的索马里人为了寻找食物和水逃离了这个国家。在灼灼烈日下,向邻近的肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚的难民营艰苦跋涉。Thousands of Somalis have fled the country in search of food and water, trekking for days under scorching sun toward refugee camps in neighboring Kenya and Ethiopia.

而火焰山也并非虚构,只不过火焰山的火焰非真火焰而是烈日下的红砂岩灼灼闪光、热气蒸腾似火焰而已。The Flaming Mountains is not fiction, but Huoyanshan non-real flame but the flame of the red sandstone under the hot sun shining shining like the flame just piping hot steam.

简桐得了喘息的空,一把扒下自己脚上的高跟鞋来,攥在掌心,目光灼灼望着董方舟,“找死?Jian Tong got a breather of empty, a picked oneself the high-heeled shoes on the feet, in the center of palm of hand, the Zuan's vision is brightly shining to hope ark Tung, "seek dead?"

天空又重新明亮起来,委屈了半天的太阳再度雄起,恶毒地盯着这群不速之客,照得那一队飞碟灼灼放光!The sky again afresh brightness, injustice the sun of along while once more male, evilly stare at this guest who comes uninvited, shine on that brigade flying saucer be brightly shining to put light!