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他的鬼点子真多。He's full of bad ideas.

他鬼点子多。He's full of wicked ideas.

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史密斯的鬼点子我已领教过一些了。I have seen some of these bright ideas of Smith's before.

虽然这些鬼点子全都没奏效,并且还带来了更多的尴尬。They fail, of course, leading to even more embarrassment.

她想出了一个鬼点子让我们免费看电影。She's figured out a scheme to get us into the movies for free.

他善良、诚实、聪明、爱玩,满脑子的鬼点子。He good, honest, intelligent, love to play, a head full of GuiDianZi.

肚中饥饿,但囊中羞涩的程咬金想出来钱快的鬼点子。In the belly hungry, but poorer path bite gold think out money fast trick.

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照顾好这些孩子,否则他们会想出一些鬼点子把事情搞得一团糟。Take care of the children, or they will get some brain farts to make you mass.

莫斯科公园里,一只北极熊想起了鬼点子,把一个锥形交通路标套在头上,然后开始泰式洗头。A polar bear with a traffic cone on his head refreshes himself in the water in Moscow Zoo.

石敬云一走,两公主就急问她有什么鬼点子了。The stone respects once smoke hike, two princesses urgently ask her to have what specter idea.

他更学会人类的爱,他为了躲避雪铃及邻居大猫的追杀而不断想出一些鬼点子。He is very creative like a human, for escape the Big Cat pursue from family and neighborhood, he show the brilliant scheme frequently.

刚开始进行的还很顺利,还没过几天,爸爸想出了个鬼点子,每次吸烟都背着我,有时还在单位里吸烟。Just began to also is very smoothly, but also a few days later, dad came up with a great, every time smoking behind my back, sometimes smoking in the unit.

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从来自我介绍都是一件让我头疼的事情,我是个女生,今年22岁,未婚,有着一个美满幸福的家,头脑充满各种随时层出不穷的鬼点子。Self-introduction is always a difficult thing for me, I am a girl, 22 years old, unmarried, with a happy home and full of endless tricks in my mind at any time.