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他侵吞公款。He embezzled public funds.

他因侵吞公款而被降职。He was put down from the office for peculation.

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会计开始侵吞公款。The accountant began to peculate the public money.

他们指控他侵吞公款。They accused him of plundering the public treasury.

他因侵吞公款而受到严惩。He plundered public funds and was severely punished.

我怀疑你侵吞了公司的一大笔钱。I suspect you have swallowed an enormous sum of the company.

在我的事业初创时期,一伙合伙人侵吞了一大笔钱。Early in my career, an associate embezzled a large sum of money.

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我们迫使侵略者把侵吞的土地交还出来。We forced the aggressors to disgorge the land they have swallowed.

RA同时提到使用一家假公司的名称来掩盖侵吞公款。RA would also mention the name of a bogus firm to cover up the embezzlement.

有的因受贿而被判刑,有的因侵吞公款而被判处死刑。Some were sentenced for taking bribes, others executed for embezzling funds.

卡兰吉补充说,肯尼亚决没有侵吞索马里任何一部分的计划。Karangi added that Kenya has at no time planned to annex any part of Somalia.

答案是他们侵吞了一个崩溃的超级大国的大量财富。The answer is that they appropriated much of the wealth of a collapsing superpower.

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但就像贪婪的孩子一样,上层阶级几乎侵吞了所有的社会财富。But like greedy children, the folks at the top are seizing virtually all the marbles.

我们也遇到过侵吞财物罪,这是诈骗的一种,它是指从工作单位非法获得财务。And there's embezzlement, a type of fraud where someone illegally gets money from the employer.

但反对者认为,霍氏侵吞大量国有资产,罪有应得。But opponents believe that Mikhail Khodorkovsky embezzled a large number of state-owned assets, deserved.

约翰·艾尔金顿写道,到2030年,我们空前扩张的城市将侵吞相当于蒙古国国土面积的地区。Our ever-expanding cities are set to swallow an area the size of Mongolia by 2030, writes John Elkington.

你是否侵吞了美味的多样性,这样你就可以知道更多你的自我与你想要的?Are you devouring the deliciousness of diversity, so that you can know more of your self and what you want?

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其他人时候侵吞了大量钱财还是仍有很多集团领导人逍遥法院,这些都尚未明晰。It is unclear whether others pocketed much greater sums or whether many more ringleaders are still at large.

对侵权者和被拖欠,侵吞和赤裸裸的承诺,李四传票和特里站疑惑?Been wondering about tortfeasors and arrears, peculation and naked promises, John Doe summonses and Terry stops?

说不定“安内”还没完,南海已经被侵吞得差不多了,能源的巨大损失更无法估量。Maybe" security" is not the end, the South China Sea has been embezzling almost, energy losses more incalculable.