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你很是落伍了。You are out!

你太落伍了。You're too old-fashioned.

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他是同僚中的落伍者。He is a fellow straggler in.

这似乎是一个古怪而落伍的想法。This may seem a quaintly old-fashioned idea.

我只是不想再次成为一个失败的落伍者。It’s just that I don’t want to be a loser again.

随着时间过去,男性的指甲修护逐渐落伍。Over time, manicures for men went out of fashion.

作者声称,这种叙述是绝对落伍的。This narrative, they claim, is precisely backward.

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在人生舞台上,从不给落伍者颁发奖牌。In the life stage, never give a medal to the lagging.

你落伍了,亚瑟,你太老套。You're behind the times, Arthur, you're old-fashioned.

不懂因特网让我感觉很落伍。Not knowing about the internet makes me feel so premodern.

我还发现这本书的一些风格和语调有点落伍。I also found the style and tone of the book a little “off”.

英国曾是个税务上的落伍者,2000年才引入税务减免政策。Britain was a tax laggard, introducing credits only in 2000.

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虽然在技术上,沙奈耶四号已经落伍,但它的位置优势弥补了这一缺陷。But what it lacks in technology it makes up for in location.

医院设备落伍了几十年,人员短缺,环境脏乱。Hospitals are decades out of date, short-staffed and filthy.

落伍者给行李中的袋子加上小旗标题。The lagging man tagged the bags in the luggage dawn tiny flags.

那已经落伍到不行了。现在大家都用光碟机了。Those are way old-fashioned. Everyone uses CD- ROMs these days.

就近在书架上取阅书籍,只能让你越来越落伍。Browsing the nearby books on the shelf will only get you so far.

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到了1840年,最早的产棉州落伍了。By 1840, the early cotton-producing states had been left behind.

如果我们不学新东西就会落伍。If we don't learn anything more, we would fall behind the times.

所以,仔细想想,设置落伍很有必要!So, think carefully, the setting is moss-grown very be necessary!