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因为这条路通往家门。For the road leads home.

埃林娜发现斯特凡在自己家门前。Elena finds Stefan at her door.

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他后来将儿子逐出家门。He turned his son adrift later.

我们有一周没出家门了。We haven't left home for a week.

因此,他们把邦德赶出了家门。So they drove Boner out of the door.

狗在家门前条条都凶悍。Every dog is valiant at his won door.

他们开着汽车在我家门前环湖车道上来来往往。Lake Shore Drive in front of my house.

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我们走出了家门,但并没有走进自由。We had come out, but not into freedom.

他把爱犬赶出了家门。He hunted his pet dog out of his house.

晚饭时分,鲁本跨进家门。It was dinnertime when Reuben got home.

歌星出了家门,打车去酒店。The singer left home and hailed a taxi.

他的行为辱没了家门。His actions have soiled his family name.

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我想在家门前有一个漂亮的花园。I want a nice gardon in front of my home.

我家门前有一棵下下的树,我很喜悲它。There is a tall tree in front of my house.

当我自报家门之后,他挥手示意让我离开,粗声说道,“现在不行,我还在工作。”"Not now " he said gruffly. "I'm working."

他穿着一身漂亮的黑色套装出了家门。He left home dressed in a smart black suit.

他衣着一身美丽的玄色套卸出了家门。He left home dressed in a smart black suit.

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农夫荷锄犁,倦倦回家门。The ploughman homeward plods his weary way.

我那可爱的小燕子,可回了家门。My lovely swallow, to return to their homes.

于是他们走出家门,来到榆树和栎树跪伏着So they go out where elms and oak trees keep