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不必惊慌!No panic!

沉住气!不要惊慌。Take it easy! Don't panic.

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不必惊慌。There is no need to panic.

不要惊慌,只是个玩笑而已。YOU! Nah, I’m just kidding.

如遇火警,不要惊慌。In case of fire, don't panic.

你可以祷告,也可以惊慌。You can either pray or panic.

响雷使马惊慌。The thunder panicled the horse.

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谣言使整个城市惊慌不安。The rumor rocked the whole city.

那老师因惊慌而呻吟。The teacher groaned with dismay.

他们在战火中也绝不会惊慌。Nor do they ever panic under fire.

米甸人的军营一篇惊慌混乱。The Midianites’ Camp was panicking.

然而,中国应该不要惊慌,它说。Yet China should not panic, it said.

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使他们惊慌的是,门已被锁上了。To their dismay, the door was locked.

因为他们都看见了他,且甚惊慌。For they all saw him, and were troubled.

祷告越多,惊慌愈少。The more you pray, the less you'll panic.

箱子里的牧师惊慌的喊出来。The priest in the box cried out in panic.

惊慌的人群向四面八方逃去。The panic-stricken fled in all directions.

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许多用户在出现错误信息时会惊慌。Many users will panic at the error message.

三浦十分惊慌,因为他不知道怎么办。Shep panicked as he did not know what to do.

曼蒂惊慌地跑出著火的房子。Mandy ran out of the burning house in terror.