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我喜欢她童稚般的纯真。I enjoy her childlike innocence.

老人是第二次当童稚。Old men are children for a second time.

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童稚的心,享受单纯本身的喜悦。A childlike heart enjoys the joy of purity.

我童稚的天真永远遨游于湛蓝的太空。Childishness naive forever traveling in the blue space.

我童稚的天真永远遨游于湛蓝的太空。I Childishness naive forever traveling in the blue space.

那时,童稚的梦想纯净的如同天际蔚蓝的海水。Back then, the childish dream was as pure as the sea water far away.

第一章论述二人所采用的童稚视角的叙事策略。Chapter one expounds child's naivety narration tactics of the article.

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他的爱以一种非尘世所有的柔情萦绕着她童稚的心灵。His love enfolded her childish heart with more than mortal tenderness.

虽然保持童稚的形象,你却禁不住意识到滨崎步从来没有真正当过孩子。Despite her childlike persona, you can't help but sense Hamasaki was never truly a child.

我喜欢你逗我时的可爱样子,就好像是一个从未长大的孩子,充满着各种各样的童稚。I like cute when you make me look as if a child never grew up, filled with a variety of childlike.

那丰富多采的内容,充实了我的人生,也为童稚的学生生涯增添了几分乐趣与悠然。The rich content, enriched my life, as well as childish students career added a few minutes of fun and carefree.

“我的小珠儿,”海丝特沉默了一会儿之后说,“那绿色的字母,在你童稚的胸口是没有意义的。"My little Pearl," said Hester, after a moment's silence, "the green letter, and on thy childish bosom, has no purport.

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他不太喜爱现成的玩具,而是急于将它们一片片拆开,来满足他童稚的好奇心。He did not care much for ready-made toys, and was very anxious to break them into bits, to satisfy his childish curiosity.

基督是个连小孩都能沟通的人,我认为奥康纳在她的,自我呈现中也营造了那种童稚感。So, Christ is that one to whom the little children can come, and I think she cultivates that childlike sense in her self-presentation.

基督是个连小孩都能沟通的人,我认为奥康纳在她的,自我呈现中也营造了那种童稚感。So, Christ is that one to whom the little children can come, and I think she cultivates that childlike sense in her self-presentation.

在歌曲中充满真挚与亲切,突出了孩子童稚般的情趣和意境。These songs are full of cordiality and geniality towards children and juveniles evidencing the interests and imaginations of naïve children.

英国父母与孩子交谈时喜欢用孩子观点出发,对孩子的游戏及其童稚更感兴趣。English parents readily adapt their conversation to the child's point of view and interest themselves more in his games and childish preoccupations.

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制作很精细,色彩运用丰富,浪漫。将美好的蝴蝶和中国风筝的形式结合起来很漂亮,带有孩子的天真和童稚。The hand crafted fine, color is rich and romantic, The combination of butterfly image and kite is beautiful, and has children's innocence and purity.

也许某天时间会毫不留情地带走我们童稚的脸,但我们始终不要丢失微笑,因为它是青春最没的符号。Perhaps some day the time will be relentless the region to walk our childish face, but we always do not lose the smile, because it will be youth no mark.

我们都知道,现在的青少年已经是一个早熟的群体,任何试图把他们赶回到“童稚”时代的企图,都被证明是徒劳的。We know, present adolescent has been an early group, any trying that hurried back them " Tong Zhi " the purpose of the times, be proved to be infructuous.