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因此正统基督教绝对是相信两元论的。So orthodoxy is definitively dualist.

我认为她有些反正统文化。But I guess she's a little counter-cultural.

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道教的仪礼空间与王朝的正统性。Taoist Ritual Space and Dynastic Legitimacy.

章学诚有一种正统不兴而欲续之的传统精神。Zhang had a desire to revive the legitimism.

斑瑞尔一直忠实格守古老的正统观念。Berel had remained true to the old orthodoxy.

给爸爸一杯铜制咖啡杯盛着的正统咖啡。Give papa a cup of proper in a copper coffee cup.

没有自许为正统的理论可以长时间的不受挑战。No would-be orthodoxy goes unchallenged for long.

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儒家思想是中国的正统思想。Confucian thought is the orthodox thought in China.

这是改革宗正统所绝不允许的事。This is something Reformed orthodoxy never allowed.

这样说太过了,太异端,太不正统了。That went too far. It was too pagan, way too unorthodox.

我想我应该已经提过“原始正统“这个词。I've already mentioned I believe the term proto-Orthodox.

那时还没有所谓的正统和异端。There wasn't anything called orthodoxy yet and heresy yet.

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这是对她家里正统犹太教的清规戒律的明显反抗。It was an obvi reaction to the Orthodox strictness of her home.

记忆的艺术在神秘主义的正统方法的核心。The Art of Memory was at the core of orthodox mystical methods.

信仰胜利“对正统信徒讲来是一句危险的箴言。The "triumph of faith" was, for the orthodox, a dangerous device.

这是对她家里正统犹太教的清规戒律的明显反抗。It was an obvious reaction to the Orthodox strictness of her home.

在很早期的生活中,在三一学院的牛顿就抛弃了正统的信仰。Very early in life Newton abandoned orthodox belief in the Trinity.

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而这种广泛的认可反过来又可以促使其正统性的形成。And this kind of recognition, conversely, may improve its orthodoxy.

通过这种残酷的法律异端是无可指责的和正统禁止。By this cruel law heresy is to be blameless and orthodoxy forbidden.

他抛开盛行的正统观念,问了一些难以回答的问题。He broke from prevailing orthodoxies and asked the awkward questions.