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其实他身无分文。He is in reality penniless.

他们把我们勒索得身无分文。They extorted every penny from us.

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因赌博他囊空如洗,身无分文。He got quite cleaned out by gambling.

很多人可能宁愿身无分文也不愿离开手机。Many people would rather be penniless.

我决心过一年身无分文的日子。I committed to a year of cashless living.

他囊空如洗,身无分文。He hasn't two sixpences to rattle together.

身无分文的人总是很快穿越市场。A moneyless man goes fast through the market.

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当他们坐车离开辛巴威时简直身无分文。They left Zimbabwe by car with almost nothing.

她经常身无分文定期受饿。She was often penniless and regularly went hungry.

我花尽所有的钱去买一部新电视,所以现在我身无分文了。I spent all my money on a new TV, so now I'm broke.

霍先生身无分文回到兰州,但最终没能呆下去。Huo returned to Lanzhou penniless but couldn't stay.

简想去看电影,但她身无分文。Jane wanted to go to the movies but she was stone-broke.

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但是民众身无分文,只有无穷的怒火And people had no money, and there's just incredible anger.

他身无分文,举目无亲的来到了这里,想要改变他的命运。He came here without friends or possessions and made his fortune.

到他去世的时候,他很可能身无分文,那么我会将他埋葬。When he dies, if there is no money, a likelihood, I will bury him.

我身无分文,本来也没钱交下个月的房租。I was completely broke and didn't have the next month's rent anyway.

当他的妈妈死于1884年时,杜博斯只有16岁大而且身无分文。When his mother died in 1884, Du Bois was 16 years old and penniless.

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事实上许多著名的影星就是从身无分文的不起眼的跑龙套的开始的。Actually many famous movie stars begin with tiny and penniless walk-on.

他突然察觉自己身无分文,也没带证件。He is aware he is impecunious suddenly, also did not carry certificate.

这将是一次在美元泛滥的土地上身无分文的旅行。It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar.