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采用HPLC法测定了方中君药厚朴中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚的总含量。The total contents of magnolol and honokiol were determined by HPLC.

临床上半夏厚朴汤对治疗癔球症有较好的疗效。Now Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction has obtained a good effect on globus hystericus.

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首次对厚朴叶和皮不同极性部位进行了相关药效学比较研究。It's the first time to compare different extracts of leaf to that of cortex on pharmacodynamics.

厚朴酚能使到淋巴白学病之B细胞凋亡。One of the active chemicals. honokiol, can cause B-cells of lymphocytic leukemia into apoptosis.

厚朴酚不易被消化系统破坏,所以厚朴用于汤剤会有效。Honokiol does not ge destroyed by the digestive system readily. It can be effective in decoction.

半夏厚朴汤合半夏泻心汤治疗小儿慢性胃炎。Three, Banxia Houpu Decoction Banxiaxiexin Decoction treatment of children with chronic gastritis.

结论半夏厚朴汤加味可改善海洛因依赖脱毒后的稽延性戒断症状。Conclusion MBHD could improve the heroin abusers' protracted abstinence symptoms after detoxification.

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并运用灰色系统理论,对厚朴生长与气候条件的相关规律进行了探讨。Using the Grey System theory, we analyzed the interrelationship between the growth and the climatic factors.

目的考察厚朴姜炙前后对小鼠胃排空机能的影响。Objective To study the effect of Houpu and Houpu processed by Ginger juice on gastrointestinal motor function.

方法观察厚朴酚对生大黄小鼠小肠炭末推进的影响及对番泻叶与蓖麻油引起小鼠腹泻模型的止泻作用。And the anti-diarrhea function on the mice with diarrhea induced by castor oil and Senna Leaf was observed too.

在凹叶厚朴大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育过程中存在部分败育现象。The megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis and the development of their female and male gametophyte are partially abnormal.

对厚朴类药用植物的化学成分及其分析分方法研究的概况作了综述。This review deals with the advances in the study of chemical constituents and analytical methods of the medicinal plant Houpo.

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这位知情人士说,厚朴牵头的财团包括来自加拿大、美国和亚洲的投资者,至少有两家主权财富基金。The Hopu consortium has investors from Canada, the U.S. and Asia, and includes at least two sovereign-wealth funds, the knowledgeable person said.

利用反相高效液相色谱法测定了保济九中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚的含量,该法可作为该制剂的质控方法。HPLC method for the determination of magnolol and honokiol in Baoji Pill has been established. The method can be used to control the quality of Boji Pill.

本文对厚朴人工林的生长规律进行了系统研究,建立了其栽培群体的各种生长模型。The growth patterns of Magnolia officinalis plantations were systematically studied. Various growth models of the cultivated populations were established.

厚朴年生长周期可划分为生长初期、生长盛期、生长末期和休眠期4个阶段。The annual growth period of Magnolia officinalis could be divided into 4 stages which were early stage, fast-growing stage, last stage and quiescent stage.

方法采用甲基橙实验,通过检测小鼠胃内容物中甲基橙光密度来考察厚朴与姜炙厚朴水煎液对小鼠胃排空机能的影响。Methods The gastrointestinal motor function of Houpu and Houpu processed by Ginger juice was observed by detecting optical density of Methyl orange in mice.

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本文运用数量化理论I模型对景宁厚朴林地位指数与多元立地因子之间的关系进行了回归。With the method of quantitative theroy I model, this paper gives a regression equation which relates to the site index of officinal magnolia and some site factors.

目的研究发汗对湖南道县产厚朴中挥发油的影响,为湖南道县厚朴质量评价体系提供参考。Objective To study the influence of diaphoretic process on volatile oils of Magnolia officinalis from Daoxian in Hunan and provide reference for its quality control system.

水苏属一种广泛种植的唇形科植物水苏属,尤指厚朴主要原产于欧洲,有通常为浅红紫色的花穗。曾广泛用于草药。Stachys in the mint family, especially S. officinalis, native chiefly to Europe and having spikes of usually reddish-purple flowers. It was once popular in herbal medicine.