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你选择什么种族?What race will you be?

罗达没有爆发种族战争。No race war came to Vrede.

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种族间的嫉恨是一种不良的风气。Racial hatred is a contagion.

他对种族问题的观点很鲜明。He holds strong views on race.

情况因年龄和种族而异Age- and race-based differences

这么说,并无丝毫种族言论。This saying is not a racialism.

人类也许是一个尔虞我诈的种族。Humans can be an untrusting race.

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贾瓦人是一个拾荒者种族。The Jawas are a scavenger species.

侏儒是一个爱描述的种族。Gnomes are a very descriptive race.

种族大屠杀遇难者纪念碑。Memorial to the victims of genocide.

种族间的紧张关系爆发成骚乱。Racial tensions exploded into riots.

摒除种族的偏见,他是对的。The ethnic slag aside, he was right.

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我说的是所有种族。I'm talking about all kinds of races.

卢旺达陷于种族灭绝的阵痛。Rwanda was in the throes of genocide.

还有一些不能被选择的种族。Thereare also a few unplayable races.

他们还没有提到种族这个词。They don't even have to mention race.

他们是一个原始,暴力的种族。They’re a primitive and violent race.

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必须提供什么来证明种族灭绝?What must be shown to prove genocide?

种族与阶级更是不能忽略的问题。Race and class can't be easily ignored.

你对不同种族间的人约会有什么看法?What’s your take on interracial dating?