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沿着湖湾的边沿。Along the margin of a bay.

草席边沿翘起来了。The edge of the mat is cocked up.

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该小岛的边沿是悬崖陡壁。The small island ends in vertical cliff.

这条狭长的地带构成了公路的边沿。This narrow strip verges against the road.

你会在失败的边沿摇摇欲坠地行走。You should teeter on the brink of failure.

玛格丽特坐在医生提供的座椅边沿上。She sat on the edge of the chair he offered.

由于践踏得多了,我们把盐泽的边沿弄成一个泥沼了。By much trampling, we had made it a mere quagmire.

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手持避孕套边沿,确保可卷曲部分向外。Make sure the part to be unrolled is on the outside.

那个美丽的花园的边沿栽种着树木,树上繁花盛开。The beautiful garden was edged with flowering trees.

帆布边沿上有扣眼,用绳子穿过绑着。It had grummets and was laced down at the edge with cord.

我走出门去,到了花园的边沿,向树走过去。I walked outside to the edge of the garden, toward the tree.

一辆边沿满是灰尘的汽车停在了金妮的前面距离20码的地方。On the dusty verge twenty yards ahead of Ginnie a car pulled up.

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也许真钞最有趣的部分是它的边沿。Perhaps the most interesting part of the real bill is the border.

我极力想把车开向里侧一些,躲开那可能滑下陡坡的边沿。I tried to drive along the inside so as to ward off slipping down.

线在整个平转过程中保持在风筝边沿的上面。The lines remain over the trailing edges during the entire rotation.

在楔形篱笆的边沿上,我向那位博识的人致谢。At the edge of the wedged hedge, I acknowledged theknowledgeable man.

我的灵魂在极想中走出,要往摸触幽暗的远处的边沿。My soul goes out in a longing to touch the skirt of the dim distance.

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从安全套内包装的边沿撕开,轻轻将安全套挤出。Tear along one side of the foil package and remove the condom carefully.

托尼暗自笑了一下,然后用手指在桌子边沿敲了起来。Tony smiled to himself and drummed his fingers on the edge of the table.

鼻翼的边沿使用粉刺针三角形的一端可以再更小的范围内进行。Alar edges with one end of the needle and cuting triangle may be smaller.