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培群迁至峇摩劳路一洋房上课。Moved to a bungalow at Balmoral Road.

原来在国外,只要你是劳动者,汽车洋房人人有份。Original abroad, as long as you are working, car house everybody.

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要知道,当时大多数轿车的定价相当于一幢花园洋房。This was at a time when most cars cost as much as a house and garden.

洋房内鬼影重重,处处洋溢着恐惧的气息。Shanghai inside ghost and heavy, be permeated with the fear of breath.

每间设备齐全的洋房都包含带微波炉和冰箱的小厨房。All of the apartments have a kitchen with fridge, vitro stove and microwave.

龙湖弗莱明戈,不只是一个洋房,她应该是一个洋房的时代。Longhu Flamenco Garden is not just a condominium, it opens an era for condominium.

各洋房之座向,详情请參阅物业「整体规划图」。Please refer to the "Master Layout Plan" for the orientation of each individual house.

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豆豆现在的家座落在深圳,是一幢五层楼的花园洋房,占地很大。Peas are now home is located in Shenzhen, is a five-story garden villas, a large square.

洋房有盖面积包括实用面积、窗台面积及热水炉房面积。House Covered Area includes the Saleable Area, area of bay window and area of boiler room.

离厂门四五丈远,是那茧子间,黑魆魆的一排洋房。About fifteen yards from the gate was the gloomy row of sheds where the cocoons were stored.

精装修花园洋房户型平均面积在42平方米到78平方米左右。Refined decoration garden villa Huxing average area of 42 square meters to 78 square meters.

抚顺首席别墅级洋房——方大·天阶即将震撼上市,敬请期待!The first foreign-style house as villa in Fushun called Fangda Noble Ladder will be on sale!

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我们正在与著名的大券商在纽约的洋房新、芝加哥和伦敦。We are working with large and famous brokerage houses based in New-York, Chicago and London.

原来在国外,只要你是劳动者,汽车洋房人人有份。Originally in foreign countries, as long as you are working, car and houses are for everyone.

夫妇二人和他们的3个孩子住在位于派克大街740号的一栋占地9千平方英尺的双层洋房里。They live in a nine-thousand-square-foot duplex at 740 Park Avenue, with their three children.

洋房面积包括洋房有盖面积及洋房所分摊的公用地方面积。House Area includes the House Covered Area and the Apportioned Share of Common Area of the house.

建筑产品有5-6层的多层花园洋房、11层的小高层、单体别墅和联体别墅。Construction consists of 5 to 6 story building, 11-story mini-skyscraper and jointed or separated villa.

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每个自足洋房配备一个室外私家花园和巴厘浴淋浴。Each self-contained detached villas is equipped with an outdoor private Balinese bath and garden shower.

村里的人天天猜测,美国到底是个什么地方?连这么一个乡下佬也能挣大钱建洋房!Even a country -side man can make a lot of money in America . the question tiresomes the person in here.

他在紧临着一座长满奇花异草的华丽的花园洋房旁的一所旧房子里租了一间屋住下。He took a room in an old house next to a magnificent garden filled with strange flowers and other plants.