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她请人将这张古画重新装裱了一番。She had the ancient painting remounted.

她非常珍视那幅古画。She sets great store by this old picture.

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这是照一幅古画临摹的。This was painted after an ancient picture.

我的几张古画是白象。My several old paintings are white elephants.

他最大的爱好是收藏古画。His favorite hobby is collecting ancient paintings.

我买了一幅中国古画,需要上税吗?I've bought an old Chinese painting. Is it dutiable?

在墓内发现古画和古瓷器。Ancient paintings and old china were found in the tomb.

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您怎样弄到这张稀有的古画的?Pray how did you come into possession of this rare print?

所有这些古书古画都标了价。All these ancient books and paintings have been marked up.

这些古画是文化遗产的一部分。These ancient paintings are part of the cultural heritage.

有幅古画现在下落不明。The whereabouts of one of the ancient paintings is unknown.

那幅古画是1989年以5万法郎买下的。The ancient painting was purchased for 50,000 francs in 1989.

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那幅古画是一九八九年以五万法郎买下的。The ancient painting was purchased for 50,000 francs in 1989.

古画收藏家们都成了许多考证错误的受害人。Collectors of old masters have been the victims of many misattributions.

这幅古画要等待专家鉴定后才能进行拍卖。This ancient painting must be authenticated by specialists before its auction.

科学家们还不清楚这些被岩壁雕刻的古画到底是什么,又象征着什么。Scientists don't yet know what all these ancient drawings, called petroglyphs, symbolize.

后来的美术家对古画中看不顺眼的部分有时用油彩涂掉。Parts of old paintings which appear unpleasing to later artists are sometimes painted out.

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现代美术家有时对古画中所看不顺眼的部分用油漆涂掉。Parts of old paintings which appear unpleasing to modern artists are sometimes painted out.

欧洲有一些以有三万年历史的古画而著称的洞窟已经关闭了。Some European caves, famous for their thirty-thousand-year old paintings, have already been closed.

南茜,我把这些中国古画和酒送给你作为礼物。Nancy, I'd like to present you with a traditional Chinese painting and a bottle of Chinese wine as a gift.