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答案是廉洁奉公,是的。The answer is dutifully, yes.

这位候选人给人一种廉洁奉公的印象。The candidate have a mr. clean image.

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在中国历史上,有很多廉洁奉公的人。In Chinese history, there are many honest and dedicated people.

我们国家的大多数公务员都是廉洁奉公的。Most of the Civil Servants in our country are honest in performing their official duties.

学校的管理人员廉洁奉公、团结协作、规范运作。This legally managed school is distinguished with managerial personnel and dedicated staff.

有责任心,廉洁奉公,善于沟通、原则性强,抗压能力强。Responsible, good communicate skills, integrity and ability to work under high level of pressure.

做一个弘扬正气,淡薄名利,廉洁奉公、情操高尚的人民公仆。To become a servant carrying forward good conduct, reputation-careless, clean and devoted, having lofty sentiment.

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当然,业委会成员廉洁奉公、无私奉献是执行公约成败的关键!Of course, industry members integrity, selfless dedication is the key to success in the implementation of the Convention.

廉洁奉公,不谋私利,用良好形象和人格魅力凝心聚力。And lastly, be honest in performing their official duties and increase cohesion by means of good image and magnetic personality.

第四十七条香港特别行政区行政长官必须廉洁奉公、尽忠职守。The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region must be a person of integrity, dedicated to his or her duties.

新加坡的领导人通过树立个人榜样并通过实行薪酬丰厚的公务员制度以鼓励政府官员廉洁奉公。Singapore’s leaders encouraged public officials’ integrity by setting personal examples and by building a well-paid civil service.

廉洁奉公是中华廉洁文化的现实要求和体现,是社会主义先进文化的重要内容。The integrity is the requirement and reflection of Chinese clean culture, which is an important part of socialist advanced culture.

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他廉洁奉公,开拓创新,业绩斐然的各种报道经常见诸报端。He honest in performing official duties, pioneer and invent, achievement marked various kinds of report often see all newspaper ends.

辛格则四面楚歌,拼命想要保持一付政府廉洁奉公的场面,在野党早已虎视眈眈了。Raja, who may yet cost it an arm, is exultant, an embattled Singh is struggling to retain an image of integrity, and the Opposition senses a kill.

领导干部廉洁奉公内驱力形成的核心是自律、他律、自律和他律的辩证统一。Leader cadre is clean-fingered act according to fair inside the core that drive force forms is self-discipline and self-discipline, heteronomy, heteronomy is adj and unified.

苏维埃的工作人员应树立新的工作作风,成为廉洁奉公、勤政为民的人民公仆。Soviet that enjoys civilized happiness to should establish new working way, become clean-fingered act according to fair, diligent politics for civilian people public servant.

这些老同志在各自的岗位上辛勤工作了多年,绝大部分都能够做到廉洁奉公,为国家、为人民做出了不可磨灭的贡献。These old pals go up in respective post plod old, the majority can be accomplished clean-fingered act according to fair, made graven contribution for country, humanness civilian.

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各级政府工作人员都必须带头遵纪守法,廉洁奉公,领导干部要做出表率。Civil servants at all levels take the lead in observing relevant codes of conduct and laws and honestly perform their official duties, with leading cadres setting a good example in this regard.