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初冬就一无是处了吗?Early winter on the merit it?

影评家把这部影片贬得一无是处。The film was rubbished by the critics.

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剧评家们把她的新戏批评得一无是处。The critics tore her new play to pieces.

她新出的小说被评论家们评得一无是处。Her new novel was taken apart by reviewers.

我认为,他们的调查一无是处。I consider that their claims are worthless.

新编辑把她的原稿批得一无是处。The new editor picked her manuscript to pieces.

人人都喜欢把美国批得一无是处。Everybody likes to blame America for everything.

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社会主义运动是国际化的,否则将一无是处。The movement was international or itwas nothing.

例句他们觉得我就是个御宅男,一无是处。They thought I was an otaku and good for nothing.

我发现它对于大家来说都近乎一无是处,除了人力部。I find it close to useless for everyone except HR.

尽管其他一无是处,但它给我们带来了甜蜜的场景。If nothing else though, it gave us the honey scene.

这出戏被批得一无是处,很快就收场了。The play got terrible reviews and quickly died a death.

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没有虚拟机来伺服虚拟化产品一无是处。A virtualization platform is nothing without some VMs to host.

而国会也在执政官的更大的影响下被贬的一无是处。The Knesset has been debased by the executive's greater clout.

他把大多数当代作家写的小说贬得一无是处。He rubbished most of the novels written by contemporary writers.

她父亲坚决反对她嫁给那个一无是处的菲奇。Her father was dead set against her marrying that no-good Fitch.

可就是我这样的人,一无是处的人,主却要来择选我。I can such a person, the person useless, to the choice I have to.

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也该是洁西卡甩掉一无是处的男友的时候了。It was about time that Jessica got rid of that no-good boyfriend!

这个年轻人除了在街上吵闹,一无是处。The young men had nothing better to do than fracas in the streets.

不冒任何风险的人将一事无成,一无所有,一无是处。The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing, is nothing.