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这护身符我要了。Dibs on the amulet.

伊莎贝尔我是来取招魂护身符的。She takes the crystal as her amulet.

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我是来取招魂护身符的。I have come for the Amulet of Necromancy.

书籍经常是护身符和咒语。Books are not seldom talismans and spells.

我能在哪里找到另一块护身符碎片?。Where can I find the pieces of the Amulet?

我的父母,我的家人给我买的这些护身符。And my parents, my family bought me charms.

您给我们的终极事件愚蠢的护身符!You sent us stupid amulet for ultima event!

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让我走我会把这个护身符留给你的。Let me go and I will leave you this talisman.

疤痕也蕴含着某种护身符的意味。There’s also something talismanic about them.

伊莎贝尔我是来取招魂护身符的。Isabel I have come for the Amulet of Necromancy.

简而言之,他的幸运护身符看来起作用了。In short, his good-luck charms seem to be working.

他似乎把他的围巾看做好运气的护身符。He seemed to regard his scarf as a good luck charm.

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有些人会留下亲人的照片、护身符或祈祷一番。Some leave pictures of loved ones, amulets and prayers.

他从袍子下面拿出一个不大的金护身符。He brought forth a small gold amulet from beneath his robe.

他是代表古代护身符,以鞭在他手中。He is represented on ancient amulets, with a whip in his hand.

在一些中国出租车上,毛作为护身符得到显示,用以辟邪。In some Chinese taxis, talismans of Mao are displayed for luck.

马卡尔必须设法占领希金,夺回护身符。Markal will have the way to capture Hikm and return the Amulet.

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他们将自己的敌人杀头,留得住作为护身符。They would decapitate their enemies and keep them as talismans.

不会有事情发生的,我有我妈妈给我的护身符。Will not occupy occurrence of, I have me the mother to my amulet.

护符,物神,符咒西非的一种用作物神、符咒、或护身符的物件。An object used as a fetish , a charm, or an amulet in West Africa.