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看起来你遇到麻烦了。You look bothered.

我在一家酒吧遇到的她。I met her in a bar.

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你遇到困难时会不知疲倦吗?Are you indefatigable?

血液遇到空气就凝结。Blood coagulates in air.

他在园林里遇到了莉莎。He met Liza in his park.

我们遇到一起车祸。Weve had a car accident.

你是怎么遇到你的前妻的?How you met your ex-wife?

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遇到了一个响应时间问题?Got a response-time issue?

在我回家的路上,我遇到了一位解放军。On my way home. I met a P.

他们的船突然遇到风了。Their vessel is flying up.

您遇到这些问题吗?Do you have these problems?

奥斯卡惶然地遇到了她的目光。Oscar met her eyes blankly.

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我们将会经常遇到这个概念You'll see that term a lot.

他跟每个遇到的女孩子求爱。He woos every girl he meets.

哦,哦!我们都遇到过这回事。Oh-oh! We've all been there.

她遇到一个劲敌。She had a vigorous opponent.

但是后来我们遇到了意外。But then we had the accident.

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有没有遇到什么问题Have there been any glitches?

我昨天意外地遇到了她。I fell in upon her yesterday.

我在那儿遇到李氏夫妇了。I met Mr. and Mrs. Lee there.