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这条项链有一鸡心型坠子。A pendant worn on a chain around the neck.

这条项链有一鸡心型坠子。Her diamond necklace must have cost a king's ransom.

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猴子脚跟上绑了坠子,还能快乐地活蹦乱跳吗?Can Jackanapes be merry when his clog is at his heel?

我很乐意替您挑选一个配你的项链的坠子。I'll be glad to select a pendant that goes well with your necklace.

像日本坠子一样,鼻烟壶被设计成手持的珍品。Like Japanese netsuke, snuff bottles were designed as hand-held treasures.

罗恩颤抖着,但是他找到了力量,挥起圣剑,斩毁了盒坠子。Ron wavers, but then he finds the strength to swing the sword and smash the locket, destroying it.

在日本,象牙雕刻的主要艺术用途是在于制作形似坠子的「根付」,这种物品为男性服饰中不可或缺的佩饰。The major artistic use of ivory in Japan was for netsukes, toggles used as fasteners on men's clothing.

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女人想给他一个着地的坠子,却冷不防过了界,变成缠绕。The woman thinks the ear pendant of his touchdown, however by surprise crossed a boundary, become twine.

白皙纤细的手挑拨着木柴,耳朵上的坠子跟着晃啊晃啊晃,晃得让人心醉。When her white and slim fingers moved the firewood, her eardrops were dangling along with her movement, intoxicating.

那把刀是新月形的,刀口向外凸出,刀上的坠子份量较轻,全部差别只在于此。The knife, which is shaped like a crescent, that cuts with the convex side, falls from a less height, and that is all the difference.

另外,文化部门还编写了小品、坠子、歌曲等,以群众喜闻乐见的方式普及健康知识。In addition, the cultural sector has also prepared piece, pendant, songs and so on to the masses of popular formats and health literacy.

李世民和如意两人交换了定情信物,李世民送玉兔坠子于如意,如意送鸳鸯鞋垫给李世民。During the two exchanged and promise keepsake, during the send moon pendant in happiness, happiness to send mandarin duck insole during the.

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梅洛普之后去了伦敦,然而在那里她穷得没法,把金坠子以10加隆的低价卖给了博金博克店的老板卡拉克塔库斯·博克。Merope went to London, but was so destitute she sold her priceless gold locket to Caractacus Burke of Borgin &Burke's for a meager 10 galleons.

卡罗白莉当时的体重只有98磅,是一目了然的小个子,但她很聪明,将她老爸钓鱼用的铅坠子缝在内衣里增加体重,从而蒙混过关。At 98 pounds, Caro Bayley was simply too small, but she pinned her father’s fishing weights under her clothes to add weight. Her examiner passed her.

没偷什么,就是些坠子玉佩什么的,都是那些财大气粗的女人的,他们丢了物件都不会找的。Do not pilfer what, is some pendant earrings jades to wear what of, all is those wealth atmosphere thick chemisette, their throwing treatises can't seek.

拼合王者之剑的钥匙,同时也是我母亲最为珍视的纪念物,那个我父亲从加纳带回来送给她的坠子,被她遗落在了那里。The key to restoring Excalibur is also the relic my mother prized most, innocently given to her by my father in Ghana to replace the pendant she lost there.

独特的琢面淡紫薰衣草色心形水晶坠子,随品附赠40公分长的配对镀铑项鍊以及与坠饰相同款式的水晶耳环。Romantic cubic zirconia faceted heart in a mesmerising shade of lavender with 40 cm rhodium-plated cobra chain. Comes with cubic zirconia faceted stud earrings as a FREE gift.

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她真诚地祝福易奕和夏琳,只希望他能够善待小夏,给她一个想要的温暖的家,并把象征两人感情的玉坠子还给他。She sincerely bless Yi Yi and charlene, I just hope he can be kind to little summer, give her a warm home, want to and the feelings of a symbol both of jade pendant back to him.

南极小章鱼布满褐色、淡紫色和桔色斑点,看上去好像精雕细刻的饰品坠子,与它们那学究式的半圆形“头”完美相称,惹人喜爱。Juvenile Antarctic octopuses, speckled brown, mauve and orange, look like exquisitely carved netsuke ornaments, perfectly proportioned and endearing for their donnish domed "heads".

凤舞看了一眼项链,链子虽然也是用非常珍贵的金属制成,但上面并没有什么炼金法阵,重点的是那枚紫水晶般的坠子。The Feng dance saw one eye necklet, nevertheless the chain son is to make into with very precious metal, up have no chain gold method, being the pendant earrings of that amethyst arrange of point.