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别在我面前唠叨!Don‘t nag me!

我们面前还有一段很长的路。A long way ahead.

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还会有更多的华彩乐章将在你面前展开。There'll be more.

在尊长的面前。In front of an elder.

在客人面前别打呵欠。Don't yawn in company.

这就好比他一丝不挂的坦露在我面前,而我却是隐形的。He was naked. I was not.

双手在面前相握。Shake hands with before.

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一辆一尘不染的出租车停在面前。A spotless cab pulled up.

别在我面前耍花招。Don't play booty with me.

他的面容浮现在我面前。His image rose before me.

不要故意教他在别人面前受窘。Don't put him on the spot.

他们拜倒在他面前。They fell down before him.

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他们拒绝在暴力面前低头。They refused to bow force.

它就展现在我的面前了!It was right infront of me.

摆在面前的就是“创造”。Before it is the “creation”.

一只神怪站到了她面前。Genie stood in front of her.

这坛在耶和华面前为至圣。It is most holy to the Lord.

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再在我面前当一次茼蒿。L once again in front of me.

就这样,狐狸借着老虎在百兽面前威风了一次。Thus the fox used the tiger.

我于是送你到主面前。And thus I comytt you to god.