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亲爱的,在之间横梗着太多的壁障,又有何惧。Darling, too many walls have been built between us.

亲爱的,在我们之间尽管横梗着太多的壁障,又有何惧,怕的是我不知在哪能与你驿动向上的心对语。Darling, too many walls have been built between us. Your heart is up where I can not find.

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之间的文化壁障,促进各民族的团结。We must overcome cultural obstacles between different minorities, and promote national solidarity.

而之所以研究人员在实验中使用血浆,是因为血细胞较大,无法通过血脑壁障进入大脑。The researchers used plasma because blood cells are actually too large to travel through the blood-brain barrier into the brain.

在对声场的理论计算中分别考虑了面声源中各点间的干涉和由壁障引起的衍射。The interference between points in the area noise source and the diffraction caused by wall were taken acount of in the calculation.

移动变形壁障是实车侧面碰撞试验时用来撞击试验车辆的标准试验工具。The movable deformation counterguard is the standard test tool in vehicle crash test to impact the test vehicle from side direction.

紫外线处理破坏了羊毛纤维鳞片表层二硫键形成的致密的网状结构,使羊毛的初始染色壁障被打破,染料容易从染浴向纤维内扩散。In conclusion, the dyeing properties of wool were enhanced with the UV radiation due to the increased diffusion coefficient of wool fibers.

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虽然某些趋化因子和血细胞分泌的蛋白质物确实很小,足以通过血脑壁障,但是它们事实上隔离了部分会造成上述效应的物质。But certain chemokines, small proteins secreted by cells, are indeed small enough to pass through, and the team actually isolated several that could be causing this effect.

摘要论述了多工况斜面冲击试验新系统,具有碰撞角度和壁障刚度可调,斜面冲程和冲击角度可选,并装有弹性助力系统以提高冲击强度等特点。The multi-work condition declivitous impact testing system was introduced which has variable impacting angle rigidity and length of stroke and has elastic booster to increase impacting intensity.

论述了多工况斜面冲击试验新系统,具有碰撞角度和壁障刚度可调,斜面冲程和冲击角度可选,并装有弹性助力系统以提高冲击强度等特点。The Multi-work Condition Declivitous Impact Testing System was introduced which has variable impacting angle, rigidity, and length of stroke, and has elastic booster to increase impacting intensity.