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水晶宫队以三比零完胜诺丁汉森林队。Crystal Palace thrashed Nottingham Forest three-nil.

后来水晶宫搬到了伦敦南郊。Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London.

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这名足球运动员已转会到水晶宫队。The football player has transferred to Crystal Palace.

水晶宫曾吸收了社会各阶级的瞻仰者驻足欣赏。It attracted many thousands of visitors from all levels of society.

“希望我能参加对水晶宫的比赛,”他告诉曼联网站。"Hopefully, I can be involved against Palace, " he told ManUtd. com.

然而,水晶宫的奥秘仍待解决。The mysteries of the Ice Palace will likely remain unsolved, however.

水晶宫造在海德公园内,是为1851年的世界博鉴会而兴建的。Crystal Palacewas built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.

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这座水晶宫不同于世界上所有的其他建筑。The Crystal Palace was different from all other building in the world.

他的主队是水晶宫队,他也喜欢看贝壳踢球。Crystal Palace are his team, and he also adores watching David Beckham.

一到英国,火车就把他们送到了水晶宫。On arriving in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train.

弗赛尔租借水晶宫一年期满归来,首次为切尔西破门。Mikael Forssell scored his first goal after a year's loan to Crystal Palace.

1851年在伦敦举办的水晶宫展览创立了世博会的传统。The Expo tradition was launched with London’s 1851 Crystal Palace Exhibition.

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我曾经祈祷利物浦能在联赛杯对阵米堡,但他们却输给了水晶宫。I was praying Liverpool would get Boro in the Carling Cup but they lost to Crystal Palace.

芦笛岩内有一个大洞,被称为水晶宫,能容纳一千人。A huge cavern inside the Reed Cave, known as Crystal Palace, boasts a capacity of 1,000 people.

上赛季在安菲尔德打青年足总杯,对战水晶宫那场太经典了。Playing at Anfield in the FA Youth Cup last season. The Crystal Palace game was very enjoyable.

包括利兹、赫尔城、水晶宫和QPR在内的几家俱乐部正在追逐这位前锋。Now a number of clubs are looking to land him, including Leeds, Hull City, Crystal Palace and QPR.

世界上最大的水下豪华度假村水晶宫,会给“海景房”重新定义。Hydropolis, the world's first underwater luxury resort, brings new meaning to the "ocean-view room."

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呔,哪来的尖嘴猴子,擅闯水晶宫,你也不怕我王老八?Who is this lean-faced monkey making his uninvited presence at the crystal palace? Aren't you afraid of me?

阿森纳的年轻球员亨利兰斯贝里,杰辛普森和鲁伊丰特都是水晶宫主帅尼尔沃尔诺可的租借目标。Arsenal starlets Henri Lansbury, Jay Simpson and Rui Fonte are all targets for Crystal Palace boss Neil Warnock.

公园是1851年世界博览会的举办地,其水晶宫是由约瑟夫-帕克斯顿所设计。The park was the site of The Great Exhibition of 1851, for which the Crystal Palace was designed by Joseph Paxton.