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我喜欢在端午节喝点雄黄酒。I enjoy drinking realgar wine during the festival.

在端午节,我们也喝雄黄酒。At Dragon Boat Festival, we also drank realgar wine.

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雄黄酒,可用不可饮!Adults drink realgar wine, which can fend off evil spirits.

樱桃桑椹与菖蒲,更买雄黄酒一壶。Cherry mulberry and calamus, more buy realgar wine a pot of.

大部分人喝雄黄酒保护本人免于生病。People drink realgar wine to protect themselves from illness.

说是午时喷洒雄黄酒是避邪。Announcements, updates, is said to ward off evil spraying noon.

喝雄黄酒被认为是清除体内毒素。The drinking of realgar wine is thought to remove poisons from the body.

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有些人认为喝雄黄酒保护自己免于生病。Some people thought drank realgar wine can protect themselves from illness.

有些人认为喝雄黄酒可以保护自己免于生病。Some people thought drank realgar wine can protect themselves from illness.

中国南方有端午节喝雄黄酒的风俗。South China has the custom of drinking realgar wine during the Dragon Boat Festival.

白蛇自认魔力可以抵挡雄黄酒对她的影响,因此喝了一杯。White Snake, thinking her magic would protect her from the effects of the realgar wine, accepted a cup.

许仙回到家中将雄黄酒放到妻子的茶杯中,坐立不安状等待白素贞回来。Her husband came home in realgar wine into the cup of his wife's , Fidgeting like waiting Bai Suzhen back.

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在有些地方,人们把雄黄酒涂抹在小孩的身上,希望这样可以使孩子们不受邪灵的伤害。In some places, people spread realgarwine on the children in the hope of protecting them from the evil spirits.

人们历来以为,雄黄酒可以祛邪。医生却告诉我们,雄黄酒有毒,最好不要饮用。People always believe that realgar wine can drive away evils, but doctors say that it is poisonous and undrinkable.

这就是后来人们为什么在这一天赛龙舟,吃粽子,喝雄黄酒。That's why people later followed the customs such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine on that day.

民间有端午节挂艾叶菖蒲榕枝、赛龙舟、吃粽子、饮雄黄酒的习俗。Dragon Boat Festival with the custom of wine drinking, hanging the Chinese mugwort leaf, dragon-boat racing, and eating Zongzi.

晚上妈妈总忘不了给我擦点驱虫辟邪的雄黄酒,香味缭绕伴我入眠。I'll never forgot my mother spreaded the realgar wine for me to avoid illness, smelling winding around my sleep during the night.

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如果进一步引申,人们在这一天喝雄黄酒,拴五色线,佩戴香袋,说到底也是这么回事。So it is easy to see that drinking realgar wine, binding five-colored thread, and wearing scent bags are just for the same reason.

有的地方还要在端午节吃“五黄”,指的是雄黄酒、黄鳝、黄鱼、黄瓜、咸鸭蛋,据说也是如此。In some places people eat Five Yellows, like realgar wine, finless eel, yellow croaker, cucumber and salted duck eggs for the same reason.

有个老医生拿了一坛雄黄酒倒进江里,说是要药晕蛟龙,别让它伤害屈大夫。An old doctor of traditional Chinese Medicine poured the realgar wine into the river to make river dragons drunk, otherwise they would hurt Quan Yuan.