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这封信以乐观的口气收尾。The letter ended on a cheerful note.

投机事业是没有成功的收尾。The venture had no successful event.

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这场军事演习以一场模拟战收尾。The military exercise ended with a mock battle.

万圣节在午夜屋顶派对大狂欢中收尾。The night ended with a kick-ass party on the roof.

我今天要以总结亚里士多德第三部曲收尾。I want to begin today with concluding Aristotle part3.

很可能的是,你会以痴呆收尾。In essence, you might end up with some sort of dementia.

我想先讲坏消息,然后以好消息收尾。I want to hear the bad news first, and I want to end on good news.

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每一集每一个镜头都是为了最后的收尾。Every scene and every episode have been in service of the big wrap up.

那时我既不知一封信怎样开头,也不知怎样收尾,一点也不知道怎么写。I did not know how to begin or end a letter, or anything at all about it.

添加一个自定义的配乐,配音和字幕的收尾工作。Add the finishing touches with a custom soundtrack, voiceovers and titles.

结果是,他们总低估了他们的总花销,以超支华丽丽的收尾。As a result, they underestimate their total cost, and end up overspending.

谈判的部长们留在谈桌上的将是密布的枪眼和一戳就破的收尾。The deal ministers left on the table was full of loopholes and loose ends.

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目前项目进展顺利,并已进入收尾阶段。Having progressed smoothly, the project is currently in its phase-out period.

使用此方法生成的圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧实体可包含收尾圈及磨平结构。The column helix compress springs contains the ending ring and rubdown structure.

收尾工作结束后,下一个玩家开始他的开始阶段。After a player's wrap-up step is over, the next player begins his or her start phase.

因为这是我们在海布里最后一场比赛,这也是俱乐部一部篇章的收尾。Because it was our final game at Highbury and it was the end of a chapter for the Club.

从项目概念阶段到收尾阶段都应该加以管理和控制。C. should be managed and controlled from project concept through close-out. close- out.

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在眼尾末梢的地方收尾,可以稍微画过一点显得比较玩味点。In the local ending of eye end end, can have drawn a little appeared compare ponder dot.

霹雳涉及学习掌握一些收尾添加到你的技术。Mastering breakdancing involves learning a few finishing touches to add to your technique.

可以作为项目收尾工作的一部分进行此工作,这样做将会物有所值。You can perform this task as part of the project wrap-up, and it will be worth the effort.