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别把桌布弄湿了。Don't sodden the tablecloth.

它还是一块漂亮的桌布。It was a nice tablecloth, too.

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给我看看桌布,好吗?Would you show me some table-cloths?

她把起皱的桌布熨平了。She smoothed down a wrinkled tablecloth.

她在桌上铺了块桌布。She spread a table-cloth over the table.

泼翻的墨水把桌布染成蓝色。Wash an ink stain out of the tablecloth.

泼翻的墨水把桌布染成蓝色。The spilled ink dyed the tablecloth blue.

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汤姆把咖啡溢在桌布上了。Tom spilled his coffee on the tablecloth.

他在方桌上铺了一块桌布。He laid the square table with a tablecloth.

泼翻的墨水把桌布染成蓝色。Sign the letter in blue ink, not black ink.

他无所谓的用指头弹着桌布。He idly thrummed the cloth with his fingers.

他小心翼翼地把它放在粗呢桌布上。He set it down carefully on the baize cloth.

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对不起,我把酒洒在桌布上了。I’m afraid I spilled wine on the tablecloth.

抱歉,我把咖啡溢到桌布上了。I'm afraid Ispilled coffee on the tablecloth.

这种大小和款式的桌布是15元。A table-cloth of this size and style is 15 Yuan.

她把桌布上的皱褶弄平。She smoothed out wrinkles out of the tablecloth.

这块桌布合用呢还是我用另外一块?Will this tablecloth do or should I use another?

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他们试图在桌布上印一个图样。They tried to impress a design on the table-cloth.

我喜欢把这些细节用于我的亚麻桌布上。I love using these details in my table linens, too.

我来听听你们对桌布的报盘。I've come to hear about your offer for tablecloths.