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什么压力?What stress?

是的,压力。Ah yes, stress.

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压力镇流器。Pression ballast.

报酬的压力?Pressure of rewards?

压力与紧迫感。Stress and pressure.

将你的压力“嗡嗡”走。Hum your stress away.

试着用用放松压力的应用程序。Try a de-stressing app.

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唔,当然,就是压力。Why, stress, of course.

你需要那种压力。You need that pressure.

你觉得生活有压力吗?Do you live with stress?

不要施加压力,不要受制于人。Don’t give into pressure.

所以说有一点压力。So it's little stressful.

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人应该有压力。Man should be pressurized.

金钱是主要的压力源。Money is a major stressor.

这几根大梁承受得住压力。These big joists can bear.

是什么让你压力倍增?What is stressing you out?

在压力下我工作得很好。I work well under pressure.

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安全工作压力组织的成员来了。Members of the SWP arrived.

减缓压力和按摩。Counterpressure and massage.

什么是工作精神压力?What is work-related stress?