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演播员为本人们准备了新闻、诗歌、笑话、音乐等。Prepare us for the broadcasting member news, poetry, jokes, music, etc.

拉里。金于1985年就加盟CNN了,但他的演播生涯还要长的多。He's been on CNN since 1985, but he has been in broadcasting a lot longer.

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为此,给出了实现课件演播控件的设计方法。So, this paper gives the method of design about using televise control in courseware.

演播中心和剧院通常需要升降乐池来满足乐队的演奏要求。Studio center and theater usually need lifting orchestra for request of band playing.

如果你在演播或者写作一出戏剧,你会发现你的听众或是读者非常喜爱你的作品。If you speak or write for a living, you'll find you make a big hit with your audience or readers of your work.

约翰·洛吉·贝尔德在伦敦贝尔德演播室作世界上第一次彩色电视演播。The world´s first television transmission in colour was made by John Logie Baird, at the Baird Studios in London.

该功能将应急管理历史存档资料以演播的形式重现在管理平台中,便于案例查询,提高应急资料管理效率。It reproduces its record in the management platform and it's convenient to check cases and increases emergency management efficiency.

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买杰塔是亚利桑那州立大学的一位艺术教授,她教导大学生演播课程时提出了新媒体概念。Magenta is a Professor of Art at Arizona State University teaching both graduate and undergraduate studio courses in new media concepts.

从程序实现的方法对非线性编辑系统中的几种画面过渡特技的软件生成算法进行了探讨,并对在传统“色键”技术上发展起来的虚拟演播系统进行了简单介绍。This article explains the usage of non-linear editorial system with network based on an example and presents some key method to improve its development in university library.

随着主流排行榜上每一回拉丁化音乐的演播,听众越容易欣赏到艺术家们演奏属于他们自己传统类型的音乐的那份喜好和自豪感。With every play of Latin-influenced music on mainstream playlists, the listener hears the gusto and pride of the artist as they perform music of the genre belonging to their heritage.

酒店会议中心集会议、展览、演播、宴会于一体,共有大小会议室38间,多功能厅、阶梯式演播厅、商务会议室一应俱全。The convention center assembles a convention hall, an exhibition hall, a theater, and a banquet hall, with 38 conference rooms of various sizes, a multi-purpose hall and business conference rooms.