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不仅我而且她都在津津乐道地看电影。Not only I but also she is enjoying the film.

人们对此还是津津乐道He ordered 200 good bottles of Hermitage wine.

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在南岩,一座伸出悬崖的石雕,向来被人们津津乐道。In Rock, a cliff out of a stone, have been talking.

而最为人津津乐道的就是他拥有八位国色天香的娇妻。He was envied by many men, cause he had eight wives.

他度假归来,对假日情趣仍津津乐道。He hasn't stopped enthusing about his holiday since he returned.

医生们总是在把食谱当作基本的保健方法而津津乐道。Doctors talk about diet as a part of basic good health all the time.

他不仅仅可以承受讨好奉承之言,并且还对此津津乐道且热烈欢迎。The man does not merely tolerate adulation, he relishes and embraces it.

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哈利波特中最为人津津乐道的当然是特级的魔法场景。Harry potter most people prurient interest of course is super magic scene.

湖南人津津乐道于出自他们省的领袖!People in Hunan enjoy talking about all the great leaders they’ve produced!

这就是为什么在“自然”是,从本质上讲,营销长期津津乐道。That's why the word "natural" is, essentially, a marketing term for suckers.

当然,剧本里少不了大量的火辣细节,使得公众们长时间地“津津乐道”。The script includes the usual wealth of spicy details to prolong the pleasure.

如果你对小睡津津乐道你可能会被视为懒惰,懈怠并不勤于工作。Mention napping and you could be seen as lazy, depressed and unwilling to work.

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在那之后,最津津乐道的以及最坚持不懈的故事就萦绕着Llanganates山脉。After that, the best and most persistent stories revolve around the Llanganates.

最为大家津津乐道的八卦是公司刚来的一位初级分析师为一家杂志拍摄裸照。The juiciest firm gossip was when a first year analyst posed naked in a magazine.

日本美食家们总是对那些不可信的,关于河豚有剧毒的传说津津乐道?Those apocryphal tales about the hypertoxic blowfish prized by Japanese gastronomes?

伊丽莎白·戴维对普罗旺斯菜肴的色香味津津乐道。Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine.

中国为什么对传统的秦砖汉瓦、唐诗宋词津津乐道、乐此不疲?Why is China the traditional Chinese tile brick Qin, Tang and Song talked about, never?

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故事作为一种口头文学样式,有着源远流长的历史,时至今日,还是为老百姓所津津乐道、口耳相传,成为饭桌上的谈资、教育孩子的典范……It has become a topic of dinner table conversation, the paradigm of education and so on.

作为一个神话的核心,正文中的旧威尔士史诗和神话让我为之津津乐道。Being a mythology nut, I relished the inclusion of the old Welsh epics and myths in the text.

劫富济贫、广受尊崇的侠盗罗宾汉,其传奇故事仍为人津津乐道。This is the tale of the famous English outlaw who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.