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岁末年初送上我最诚挚的问候,祝您新年快乐!Holiday greetings and best wishes for the New Year!

进入岁末,李连杰的心仍悬着。The end of the year, Jet Li's heart is still hanging.

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岁末年初,我们应怎样总结在刚刚过去的2004年中国电信业的发展特点?。When the New Year comes, how should we summarize the past 2004?

岁末最开心的事莫过于数年终奖、收红包。One of the happiest things at the end of a year is to count bonus.

岁末前,我们能够作到收支平衡。It was my hope that we could balance the budget before the year is out.

他说,时近岁末,国内各项工作十分繁忙。He said as the year is coming to an end the domestic work schedule is fairly busy.

岁末几个月把自己锁在家里,将一年体验付诸笔端。Year-end months lock yourself in the home, will experience into a poem encouraged.

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这种付出产生了实际的价值,这种价值在年总岁末之际都不会上市。The kind of giving that provides real value does not go on sale at the end of the year.

就想河流注定要汇入大海,岁末临近,我归心似箭。这样的歌词是否最适合形容你此时此刻的心情呢?Like a river always knows just where to flow, now that December comes I feel like coming home.

当地独家经营,签定区域合作协议,合作期限2010年岁末。Exclusive local, regional co-operation agreement signed, in 2010 the end of the period of cooperation.

如今已成为美国每年岁末时,必定会在电视上播放的电影之一。It has become a movie tradition in America now as it is always broadcasted on TV at the end of each year.

一九九七年岁末,南非的医生建议割除她的双眼以防止感染。At the end of 1997 doctors in South Africa recommended that her eyes should be removed to prevent infection.

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时近岁末的布宜诺斯艾利斯正值初夏,蓝天白云,艳阳高照。With blue sky, white clouds and beautiful sunshine, it is early summer in Buenos Aires at the end of the year.

时近岁末的华盛顿,白宫南草坪飘扬着中美两国国旗。The White House South Lawn witnessed waving national flags of China and US in the air of near-year-end Washington.

对普通百姓而言,感恩节标志着一直持续到元旦的"岁末佳节"的开始。And on a more worldly note, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the “holiday season” that continues through New Year’s Day.

对于一些女人在她们20岁末到30岁初的这一段时间,当伴娘成为了必经之路。For some unmarried women there is a time in their late 20s and early 30s when being a bridesmaid becomes a rite of passage.

年终岁末,带着收获的喜悦,井下作业公司第一届学术交流大会开幕了!The end of the year, with the joy of harvest, downhole operation company of the first academic exchange conference opening!

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岁末将至,我们要提醒各位店长为即将到来的新财政年度做预算。As the year-end is approaching, we would like to remind each store manager to prepare budgets for the up-coming new fiscal year.

这一股强劲的后现代主义趋势正在被在20岁末或30岁初就快速成熟的新一代承袭。The robust trend of post-modernism is well inherited by the young generation who quickly maturing in their late-20s to early-30s.

2009年岁末,他的竞选该市市长的口号是,会把资金更多地投入到年轻人的家庭和教育上。In late 2009, he made a bid to become the city's mayor on a platform of shifting more spending toward young families and education.