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短讯是一个保持联系的妙法。Text messaging is a great way to stay connected.

他想出了一个解决困难的妙法。He thought out a good way to overcome the difficulty.

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你还能想到什么其他的赚钱妙法吗?What other creative ways to make some bank can you think of?

雅各说,忍耐是防止半途而废的妙法。Perseverance is the antidote for unfinished work, James says.

时至今日,3年有余,港人对此有何高招妙法?Today, more than 3 years, Hong Kong people have any good ideas ideas?

第二大妙法是保证令人愉快的工作环境。The second tip is toe ure your surroundings are as pleasant as po ible.

我不能再忍受下去,虽然还不知有何妙法可以摆脱它。I will no longer endure it, though yet I know no wise remedy to avoid it.

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妙法真人透露山阳县将有灾劫,嘱百姓加倍小心。Tip reality to reveal the son duong district will survive a disaster, instructed the people beware.

她的右手是妙法印三味的姿态,左手是“托与印”。Her right hand is in the gesture of vara mudra and her left hand is in the gesture of vitarka mudra.

让海地恢复没有妙法,但是任何有意义的方法必须包括增加来自该岛的移民。There are no panaceas for Haiti's recovery, but any sensible approach must include migration from the island.

贯穿一生,贯穿三世永远,必定能够胜利繁荣的就是此妙法。Faith in the Mystic Law absolutely assures us of victory and prosperity in this life and throughout all eternity.

从社区园林,以至观鸟的好去处,林林总总,确是一个妙法子。It is a wonderful way of gaining all sorts of a place , ranging from community garden to good places of bird watching.

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并从中感受到几千年来中医博大精深的文化内涵与道家致绝精微的养生妙法。Through it and feel for thousands of years of TCM profound cultural connotation and Taoism rejects subtle regimen to tip.

这一句陈腐的话,虽然平时他并不喜欢,但这时候他却觉得它是解决这一切问题的妙法了!Although he didn't usually care for that hoary aphorism, it now seemed to contain a miraculous solution to all his problems.

贵族和资本家利用这样的妙法,平民就不敢做声,于是生出了强弱的阶级。Aristocrats and capitalists use such magic bullet, civilians would not dare say anything, then give birth to the strength of the class.

对于我个人来讲,我至少可以诚实地说,为获得自由而产生的小小的争执总会使我找到解决争执的妙法。For myself, at least, I can truly say that what little mischief resulted from my freedom always led the way to the means of curing mischief.

有个报社记者曾经采访过他,问他为什么他会比一般的人更有创造力,究竟是什么妙法使他能够超乎凡人呢?He was being interviewed by a newspaper reporter who asked him why he thought he was able to be so much more creative than the average person.

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开始时要不东借西借,总是很难的,但这也许还是唯一的妙法,让你的朋友们对你的事业发生兴趣。It is difficult to begin without borrowing, but perhaps it is the most generous course thus to permit your fellow-men to have an interest in your enterprise.

今天所讲的道理,非常平凡,淡而无味,可是这是真法、正法、妙法、稀法。The principle I discussed today is quite ordinary-sounding and very flavorless. However, it is true Dharma, proper Dharma, wonderful Dharma, the rarest of Dharma.

自己本身就是妙法的宝塔,自己所在之处,无论是何处都是本有常住的常寂光土。We ourselves are the treasure towers of the Mystic Law. The place we are now, wherever it may be, is the Land of Eternally Tranquil Light that has existed for all time.