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现在每个公司都在硬件软件两手抓。Now everybody is scrambling in both hardware and software.

这就是中国特色——两手抓,两条腿走路。These are Chinese characteristics – two hands and two legs!

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我们认为应该采取两手抓,且两手都要硬的措施。We think that it should take two, and both hands to hard measures.

又花了六年时间,人们才意识到原来可以做到“两手抓两手都要硬”。It took another six years to realise that you might be able to do both.

两手抓,封闭在一个大约8到12英寸宽旋前控制在酒吧。Grasp the bar with a closed pronated grip at a width of roughly 8 to 12 inches.

昂利泰科技一贯传承着“诚信为本,品质服务两手抓”的经营理念。Angter memory technology has always been a "good faith, the principle of quality service" business philosophy.

五是坚持物质文明和精神文明两手抓。Fifth, equal attention has been attached to improving material civilization and socialist culture and ethnics.

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她两手抓住赭色的栏干,身体朝前倾去,仿佛她要跟栏干保持一定距离似的。She held on to the ochre bannister with both hands, leaning forward, as if she were keeping it at arm’s length.

我觉得我们能胜任两手抓,两手都要硬的使命,帮助Ruby与JVM获取持续的成功,不仅是在小型的开发团队中,还包括大型团队。I think we can continue to do both, and help Ruby and the JVM find continued success in both small and large development shops.

要紧密联系当前形势,坚持两手抓、两不误、两促进,确保学习实践活动取得实效。Current situation closely to crack down on, two not mistaken, two, promote learning activities, and ensure to obtain actual effect.

要毫不后悔地面对敌人的威胁,视人类生命如粪土的敌人,政府必须两手抓,两手都要硬。To meet the threat of an enemy without compunction, who sets the value of human life at naught, governments will need to beef up both.

坚持社会主义物质文明和精神文明两手抓、两手都要硬。Adhere to the principle of grasping the two links of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization and both should be tough.

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坚持物质文明和精神文明两手抓,实行依法治国和以德治国相结合。Attach equal importance to both material and spiritual civilization and run the country by combining the rule of law with the rule of virtue.

党的十一届三中全会以后,我国社会文明发展格局逐渐转变为物质文明和精神文明“两手抓”的发展格局。After the 6th plenary session of the 16th Congress of the CPC, social civilization was added to the developmental patter, hence a new pattern was formed.

必须始终不渝地坚持两手抓,两手都要硬的方针,加强精神文明建设。We must unswervingly give equal importance to economic development on one hand and to the development of socialist culture and ideology on the other hand.

理顺利益关系,建立合理的科学的管理机制,坚持教育和法制两手抓,使海洋管理科学化。Moreover, we should hold education and legality together, and set up a scientific and reasonable operating system to make the seas and oceans management scientific.

两手抓着瓶子,我把瓶颈放在拴在墙上的黄铜起子的下面,瓶盖儿落在一个木头盒子里,我伸手把它捡了出来。With two hands, I positioned the bottleneck under the heavy brass opener that was bolted to the wall. The cap dropped into an old wooden box, and I reached in to retrieve it.

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文章在对政府失信进行现象描述和理论概括的基础上,对政府失信的后果及原因进行了分析,认为要治理政府失信,必须坚持法治、德治两手抓,德法并重,标本兼治。Describing the phenomena and generating its forms, the article analyzes its results and causes, and the author argues that it is necessary to persevere it in both legal and moral controlling.

针对该项运动独特的特点,专家们提出,要想促进棒垒球运动的发展要走职业联赛和高校棒垒球两手抓的道路。The experts suggested that league and college baseball career can go the road of both hands in order to promote the development of baseball and softball sports about the unique characteristics.