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我船需要拖船。I require tugs.

拖运,拖曳,拖船费。To tow by tugboat.

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把拖船拖缆降低。Lower towing line to tug.

不,你船不需要叫拖船。No, you need not take tugs.

几艘拖船协助引航?How many tugs assist pilotage?

把每舷船首两艘拖船绑牢。Make fast two tugs on each bow.

船朝着那条拖船横向驶去。The ship steamed athwart the tug.

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把每舷船尾两艘拖船绑牢。Make fast two tugs on each quarter.

把右舷后面两艘拖船绑牢。Make fast two tugs on starboard quarter.

拖船是相当强劲,其规模大小。Tugboats are quite strong for their size.

过去马常常沿运河拖船。Horses used to tow barges along the canal.

把停靠左舷的前拖船绑牢。Make fast forward tug alongside on starboard.

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允许你船在拖船抵达前抛锚。You have permission to anchor until tugs arrive.

作为一个小公司,Ecolofish拥有五艘“钱袋”围网拖船。A small company, Ecolofish owns five purse seiners.

两艘拖船正在将辉煌号游艇拖回港口。Two tugboats are pulling the Splendor back to port.

那艘船已正在向在入海口处,用来拖船下海的“下水道”驶去。That boat had gone towards the river-mouth boat ramp.

我们只好在没有拖船帮助的情况下使我们的船停到泊位。We had to berth our ship without the aid of tugboats.

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不,你船可不用拖船的拖缆。No, you are not manadatory to take towing lines of tug.

一艘拖船鸣响了汽笛,以其严肃而温存的声调加入了合唱。The hooting of a tugboat adds its grave and tender note.

欢迎投标建造两艘拖船。You is invited to tender for construction of two tugboat.