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尤其是亚洲,布满了这种蚁巢。Asia, in particular, is full of them.

村中红火蚁蚁巢散存。The nest of RIFA scattered in the village.

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还有一个巨大但较为贫穷的蚁巢是中国。There is also a huge, but poorer, nest called China.

与德国非常类似的富裕蚁巢是日本。There is a rich nest, rather like Germany, called Japan.

碰巧,从全球范围看,还有其它蚁巢。As it happens, in the wider world, there are other ant nests.

上百个这样的蚁后有可能从土中的同一个蚁巢飞出。Each year, an ant nest sends out winged, young queens on mating flights.

这种蚁巢叫做混合性蚁巢,实为异种共栖。This nest is called the mixed nests is indeed heterogeneous commensalism.

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亚洲蚁巢与美国的关系类似于德国与其邻国的关系。Asian nests develop a relationship with America similar to Germany's with its neighbours.

织蚁利用幼蚁身上挤出来的丝把树叶粘到一起建造蚁巢。Weaver ants use silk squeezed from ant larvae to "glue" leaves together for nest building.

在蚂蚁间,如蚁后生蛋,而工蚁寻找食物包围蚁巢。Among ants, for example, queens lay the eggs, and workers search for food and protect the colony.

有一些蚂蚁具有额外的钳牙,它们起护卫和兵蚁的作用。其它的蚂蚁清扫通道和蚁巢。Some ants have extra jaws , they act as guards and soldiers. Other ants keep the tunnels and rooms clean.

从此可见境物或在蚁巢内的一些事物使蚂蚁能重调牠们的方向表及里数表。So apparently the scenery or some event inside the nest enables them to reset their compasses and odometers.

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蚱蜢窝和蚁巢两边的工作岗位消失,财政赤字飙升,尤其是在蚱蜢窝。Jobs disappear in both grasshopper colonies and ant nests and fiscal deficits soar, especially in grasshopper colonies.

中国领导人不愿承认,自己蚁巢积累的巨额美国债权将低于成本价值。The Chinese leader does not want to admit that his nest's huge pile of American debt is not going to be worth what it cost.

中国蚁巢甚至实行人民币汇率盯住制度,从而保证本国商品极其廉价。The Chinese nest even fixes the foreign price of its currency at a level that guarantees the extreme cheapness of its goods.

这些蚁巢也希望通过向蚱蜢低价出售商品和积累蚱蜢窝的债权,而变得富裕起来。These also want to become rich by selling goods to grasshoppers at low prices and building up claims on grasshopper colonies.

每年,每一个蚁巢都会送出带翅膀的、年轻的蚁后进行交配飞行。上百个这样的蚁后有可能从土中的同一个蚁巢飞出。Each year, an ant nest sends out winged, young queens on mating flights. Hundreds of them may fly out of a single nest in the soil.

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红火蚁工蚁虫口密度与地表温度、活动蚁巢密度与旬平均气温之间均为正相关。The population density and surface temperature, active mound density and ten day average temperature there have a positive correlation.

白蚁巢系统就像我们的身体,它可以自我调节温度,在某种程度上来说这是建筑的好模型是我们新陈代谢的继续。The termites nest is a system like our bodies. It's self regulating temperature-wise and that, in a way, is an excellent model for a building.

蚁巢是一个分工明确的地方,它们既然成为了负责寻找食物的蚂蚁,就必须承担起这份重大的责任。The nest is a clear division of responsibilities, since they became responsible for ants searching for food, you must assume the responsibility.