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农忙季节他们帮助干农活。During busy seasons they help with field work.

这一刻,宣告着农忙时期的结束。At this moment, to announce the end of busy periods.

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农忙季节过后我也许能离开。I may be able to get off after the busy farming season.

他甚至于在农忙的时候被阻止去上学。He had even been kept out of school during the busiest seasons.

农忙时进城的人不多生意比较清淡。Our business in the city is not good when it's busy seasons for farmers.

自耕农在夏天农忙季节每星期劳动55到60小时。Self-employed farmers work from 55 to 60 hours per week during the peak summer mouths.

农忙季节,人都下地了,村子里显得空荡荡的。In the busy season the village looked deserted when all the peasants had gone to the fields.

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他们没有大刀阔斧的摈弃孔子的精英论,还缺乏在农忙时节合理安排课程的能力。They aren't even smart enough to schedule their lessons on seedlings for crop-planting time.

晚熟的甜玉米,西红柿还有根菜,要进行装罐,储存,冷冻,各式各样的厨房农忙工作在九月达到了高潮。The canning, the preserving, the freezing, the kitchen harvest in all its variety, reaches its peak.

他们多在农闲期奔赴上海谋生,又在农忙时返乡务农。They made a living in Shanghai during the slack seasons of farming and returned during the busy ones.

在农忙季节,农夫从破晓就开始起床工作直到黄昏。During the busy harvest season, farmers get up at the crack of dawn and don't stop working until dusk.

这以后他每天都要到自己地里去转转。秋天农忙时,他更是整日整日地在地里忙着锄草耪地,翻耕耙犁。Every day, he went out to look at his land and in autumn he weeded, cut grass and plowed the whole day long.

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在过去,农忙的农人们常常在晚饭过后又回到田里趁着月色继续收割。There was a time when the busy farmer could return to the fields after supper and continue his harvest by moonlight.

但是,作为一个农村的孩子,在农忙的时候我也必须要帮忙家里干些农活,像是种植和收割这些。However, as a rural child, I must help my parents doing farm work in the busy season, such as planting and harvesting.

风卷起雪花,覆盖了人们丰收农忙之后的痕迹,抚平了山脊,覆盖了院内的车轮印和垃圾。The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrows and trash in the yard.

朔风扫过,白雪围困了人们丰收农忙之后的痕迹——它抚平了山脊,淹没了院内的车辙和轮齿,让杂物都无影无踪。The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrow and cog and trash in the yard.

如今农忙工作仍在继续,不过大部分都集中在厨房中进行。There's still harvesting to be done, but much of it now centers on the Kitchen, the late sweet corn, the tomatoes, the root vegetables.

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有的季节里,我上午读书下午种地,一到农忙便整月停在地里跟着母亲劳动。In some seasons, I would study in the morning and work in the fields in the afternoon. During the busy season, I would spend all day working by the side of mother.

到家了,只见母亲在农田,靠近时,泪水模糊我的双眼,母亲被雨水淋得全身湿透,才明白母亲原来是因为农忙而不能接我的。Home, saw his mother in farmland, near, tears blurred my eyes, my mother is the rain had soaked, realized my mother because the original is busy and cannot pick me.

匡衡就在农忙的时节,给有钱的人家打短工,不要工钱,只求人家借书给他看。Kuang Heng for the seasonal changes in peak season on a farm give rich family dozen short work, don't wages, ask others for help a house to lend a book to let him see.