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正厅前排有票吗?Be there anything in the front stall?

正厅前排有票吗?Is there anything in the front stall?

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这是两张正厅后排的座票。Here are two seats in the rear stalls.

我想要两张正厅后排的票子。I'd like two seats in the rear stalls.

您要正厅前排座位还是楼上座位?Do you want to orchestra or balcony seats?

整个剧场正厅就好像是三月节的梦魇。The stalls were like a nightmare March Fair.

我宁可坐楼厅也不要坐正厅前排。I'd rather sit in the circie than in the stalls.

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我宁可坐楼厅不坐正厅前排。I'd rather sit in the circle than in the stalls.

你是喜欢正厅前排的座位还是喜欢花楼的座位?Do you like seats in the stalls or in the dress circle?

所有迈锡尼的宫殿都有这种正厅,住宅中也采用。The megaron was found in all Mycenaean palaces and also in houses.

大牛,这里就是孙氏宗祠的正厅了。Daniel, this is the central hall of he Sun family ancestral temple.

我越是看见正厅的女孩们熟练地准备特别的菜肴。The more I see the main hall girls expertly getting special dishes.

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从我们所在的正厅位子上,你能看到她脸上的每根皱纹。From where we are in the orchestra, you can see every wrinkle on her face.

正厅的后方向室外的台地打开,可以看到远处小山的景色。The back of the nave opens toward a terrace with a full view of the hillside.

“现在跟我来吧。”他说着带头穿过休息处进了正厅。"I guess we had better go, if you can break that engagement upstairs, " said Drouet.

寿堂设在正厅,是行拜寿礼的地方。Life Church located in the main hall, is where the line Offering Felicitation ceremony.

剧场正厅座位剧院正厅中乐池与楼方锯厢下的部位之间的部分。The part of the main floor of a theater between the orchestra pit and the parquet circle.

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两座可移动的塔和两座可移动隔墙组成了场地正厅并划分出了舞台入口。Two movable towers and movable partition walls comprise the parterre and define the stage opening.

穿过四合院,走入正厅,首先映入眼帘的是落下闳的坐像。Going through the quadrangle courtyard and here we are in the parquet. Luoxia Hong's statue is before our eyes.

正厅里空无一人,对面的城区阵阵嘈杂,更远处的海湾中几星灯火。There is no one in the main room, noises rise from the town opposite, while further off in the bay lights shine.