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我喜欢这满天星斗的冬夜。I like the starry winter sky.

她看到满天星斗的夜空。She saw the black sky full of stars.

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满天星斗的冬夜遇到他的。I met him on a starry winter evening.

夜里,天气晴朗,满天星斗。At night, it is fine, a star-studded sky.

每天都像满天星一样快乐。Every day as happy as Gypsophila paniculata.

马可大哥喜欢夜晚时分躺在营地上,看著满天星斗。I also love looking at the stars on a clear night.

我是在一个满天星斗的冬夜遇到他的。The night sky is now gorgeous with billions of stars.

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每当你看著我眼中闪烁的满天星。Whenever you looked at me , Like eyes flashing stars.

满天星花语是思念、清纯、梦境、真心喜欢。Mantianxing flower is missing, pure, true love and dreams.

这位天文学家看着满天星斗的天空,试着找到半人马星座。The astronomer look at the starry sky, trying to locate centaur.

⊙、无意间发现了一些满天星,那可是我的守护花朵呢!Inadvertently found a number of stars, it is my guardian flowers!

礼物,雪花,满天星斗的天空,在月光下的所有给你。The gift, the snowflake, the starry sky, the moonlight all give you.

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一起来享受满天星海龟带来的满天繁星下的宁静和平和吧。Enjoy a peaceful night sleep under Twilight Sea Turtle's starry night sky.

炎热也好,其它烦心事也好,都消失在满天星斗的清澈夜空中。The heat, along with any worries, vanished into the clear, star-filled night.

我就像满天星,从头到尾都是配角,背景。I just like the sky star, from beginning to end is a supporting role, background.

满天星的花语是永恒的爱,而常春藤的花语是友谊。The language of baby breath is everlasting love, while that of ivy is friendship.

马可大哥喜欢夜晚时分躺在营地上,看著满天星斗。Isn't that fun? I enjoy lying on the field at night and looking up at the starry sky.

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这里传统名花有康乃馨、玫瑰、满天星等。Here are the traditional flowers of carnations, roses, Gypsophila paniculata, and so on.

随即我们出发了,夜晚很冷并且安静,天空晴朗,满天星斗。The moment we were setting off, the night was frosty and quiet, the sky clear and starry.

我认为我是睡着了,因为我醒来的时候,发现满天星斗照在我的脸上。I must have had a longish sleep, for, when I woke, the stars were shining down on my face.