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“别担心我们,”拉维说,“我们玩强手棋。”"Don't worry about us, " Lovey said.

他们面临去年的优胜强手的严重威胁。They face a mauling by last year's winners.

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罗斯跟其他几个强手竞赛。Rose raced against several strong opponents.

但事实是他是处在各个强手的中间。The truth is that he's somewhere in between.

克拉西奇?尤文图斯是有强手,但是我们也一样。Milos Krasic? We know Juventus have strong points, but so do we.

母亲和女儿在玩强手棋,我则忙着做沙拉。While my mother or daughter play Monopoly, I busy myself a salad.

1935年的11月5日,帕克兄弟发行著名的棋盘类游戏——强手棋。November 5,1935, Parker Brothers releases the board game Monopoly.

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有了它,你再也不用为找不到强手求人了!With it, you no longer have to ask for help to find the gunmen had!

妈妈和女儿在玩强手棋,我则忙着做沙拉。While my mother and daughter play Monopoly, I busy myself making a salad.

乒乓球是中国的夺金强项,众多强手一定很精彩!The table tennis match one of China's most favorable gamea will begin tomorrow.

我们知道他们是强手,显然他们的球队中有一些职业队员。We knew they were very strong, and they had some professional players obviously.

于是乎,力压众多强手,获得最佳新秀自然也是无可争议。As aresult, many strong pressure and achieve the best rookie nature is indisputable.

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不过,联想现在转战的消费者市场却是强手如云、竞争激烈。But as Lenovo takes aim at consumers, it is looking at a crowded, competitive market.

经济上争夺市场的斗争非常激烈,我们的竞争对象强手云集。The economic battle for these markets is fierce, and we’re up against strong competitors.

你的任务便是拖住那个强手,以便你队其他成员能控制局面。It's your job to take out the strong player so that members of your team can get control of the play.

我的球员们喜欢与强手过招,而若是在对方主场的话,就更是一种考验。My players like taking on the big teams and when you go to play them at their ground it is always a test.

还可以用“龙争虎斗”来形容强手之间的争斗。"Fighting between a tiger and a dragon" is used to describe the fierce struggle between well-matched opponents.

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有较强手绘功底,对南北植物、园景材料等有较丰富专业知识,有现场施工经验。Strong hand-drawing ability. Great knowledge in Northern and Southern plants and experience in site construction.

棋盘是六边形的,但是组成部件包括木房子看起来非常像强手棋建筑。The board is assembled from hexagonal tiles, but the components include wood houses that look much like Monopoly buildings.

同时,过于小心和行动缓慢的企业文化,也令瑞穗成为亚洲股票交易强手的梦想蒙尘.Meanwhile, Mizuho's dream of becoming an Asian equities powerhouse gathers dust, held back by caution and a slow-moving corporate culture.