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这是一个小男孩的顺口溜。This is a boy's rhyme.

顺口溜马是还年轻的心。Jingle Ma is still young at heart.

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除此之外,麦凯恩的顺口溜也值得商榷。Besides, the McCain dictum is debatable.

这是人们给我编的顺口溜。This is the jingle that people writes to me.

搜集沁州黄的赞词赞诗顺口溜民谣!Spicilegium ooze the yellow prefecture Ode word Zanshi doggerel folk rhyme!

它的价值不大,但其地摊顺口溜网影响,终于使我提高我的提议。Its value was little, but its impact caused me to finally increase my offer.

将计划改写成在比赛时便于您复述的顺口溜,比如,起步缓慢,撞线有力。Turn it into a mantra you can repeat during the race, such as Start slow, finish strong.

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有一天在餐桌上有人又念起这段顺口溜,男人们照例笑得起劲。后来发现餐桌上的一位女人没笑。One day the doggerel was again mentioned, the men laughed as usual while a woman did not.

从这首“顺口溜”中看出,运动对于老年人具有预防和治疗疾病的作用。Jingle" in that campaign for the prevention and treatment of the elderly have a role in disease."

人们创作的目的不同,顺口溜的社会功能也各异,产生的效果也就不尽相同。The different purposes for creating the jingles, the different social functions, the different results.

这位滑稽演员说的顺口溜中有许多含沙射影的讽刺话,但是爱丽丝十分单纯,不懂世故,她连一半也没听懂。There were a lot of innuendoes in the comedian's patter, but Alice, being as innocent as a new-born babe, didn't understand half of it.

快乐的牙齿标志复古卡通的感觉,几乎尖叫了一个顺口溜,强调温馨的家庭,手工性质的产品。The happy tooth logo has a vintage cartoon feel and almost screams out for a jingle, emphasizing the homey, handcrafted nature of the product.

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“另类歌谣”是一种在学生中间比较流行的语言调侃、内容低俗且有一种顺口溜意味的“新歌谣”。Alternative Ballad is kind of new ballad which is popular among the students. Those ballads are with vulgar contents sand the form of doggerels.

当前,社会上顺口溜、民谣、灰色幽默流传甚广,对社会稳定和社会思维产生了一定的影响。Current, socially humour of doggerel, balladry , gray circulates very wide, to the society stability and social thinking produced certain effect.

过去,中国人把从腊月初八开始的过年准备过程,还编成了一个顺口溜。In the past, Chinese people started the preparation at the 8th of the last lunar month. There was even a piece of doggerel about the preparation.

既有古诗词的韵律美,又有顺口溜的通俗性,还有格言警句的哲理性。His poems have not only the rhythmic beauty of Chinese ancient poetry but also the popularity of doggerels and philosophic thoughts of adages and epigrams.

尽管在报纸上仍没有讽刺性的政治漫画,但大量充满辛辣嘲讽的笑话和顺口溜通过口头传播途径流传全国。Although there are still no barbed political cartoons in newspapers, sarcasm no less biting is rampant in jokes and rhythmical ditties on oral networks throughout the country.