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初等教育是六年制的。The primary education is of a six-year cycle.

首先我们应普及初等教育。First of all we should make primary education universal.

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妇女和女童应能受到初等教育。Women and girls should have access to primary education.

他小时候只断断续续地接受过初等教育。He received primary education brokenly when he was a kid.

非学历中等、初等教育英语培训。Non-academic secondary, primary education English training.

气候的变化很可能会阻碍初等教育普及的进程。Climate change has the potential to erode progress in universal primary education.

女童教育活动有助于改善土耳其初等教育的性别不平等。HKO has contributed to improving the gender parity in primary education in Turkey.

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初等教育为四年,之前有一年的学前教育。Primary education lasts for four years preceded by one year of pre-school education.

据说,自那以后初等教育的女生入学率比男生高。Since then, girls’ enrolment in primary education is said to be higher than the boys’ enrolment.

2003年,肯尼亚政府为所有儿童设立了一个免费初等教育项目。In 2003, the government of Kenya established a program of free primary education for all children.

自1997年起,土耳其的所有孩童都必须完成免费的八年初等教育。Since 1997, all children in Turkey are required to complete eight years of free primary education.

初等教育持续八年,结束后颁发初步教育证书。Elementary education lasts for eight years leading to the Certificate for Completed Elementary Education.

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但由于初等教育专业的学生有别于高中生,所以在教学中并没有收到满意的效果。But our students are different with the students of senior school , we haven t received the satisfied effect.

我叫XXX,毕业于江门职业技术学院,专业是初等教育中小学数学教育。My name is XXX, graduated from Jiangmen Polytechnic College, majoring in mathematics education in primary schools.

城乡之间知识和教育鸿沟是今天阻碍2015年普及初等教育的主要障碍。The urban-rural knowledge and education divide is today’s main barrier to achieving universal primary education by 2015.

导生制和见习生制改革打破了英国国教会垄断初等教育的局面。They established a more sophisticated system of elementary education. The monitorial system created the voluntary system.

她说,全国仅约200所非正规学校可以获得免费初等教育项目提供的资金来购买资料。She says only about 200 informal schools across the country receive money for materials under the free primary education program.

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为了发展初等教育,根据我国宪法和实际,特制订本法律。A.This law has been drawn up on the basis of the Constitution and the reality in our country in order to develop primary education.

高中教育犹如一座桥梁,下接初等教育,上连高等教育,是整个教育体系中关键部分。The high school education is key part in the whole education system, which connects the primary education and the higher education.

计划也设定了在15个国家提供免费初等教育以及修建公路、电力和基础设施的明确的财政目标”。It also sets clear financing goals to achieve free primary education in 15 countries, as well as build roads, power and infrastructure.